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Emmanuel's Perspective:

It had been about a week now. Me and Nelli were on the verge of getting back together and I couldn't be happier. We've been getting along like old times. I fell in love with her all over again. I was spending time with my family and I felt like I was almost at peace, I just need Nelli to be mine for sure and life would be complete... Oh yeah, apart from Vanessa. She's crazy. It's not cute to be crazy. I think she's trying to prove how down she is for me but she's dragging it. She calls my phone all the time, she added Nelli on snap and started chatting shit to her, she sent a letter to my mum with nothing but verbal abuse. I'm not in the business of hitting women but she can get slapped.

I was in my car counting my money till my phone started ringing. I let it ring but the constant vibration was making me lose count. I finally answered, assuming it was Nelli.

Me- What you saying sweetness?

Vanessa- Emmanuel

She sounded like she was crying.

Me- What?

Vanessa- I need to talk to you

Me- No you don't

Vanessa- Please it's serious

Me- Talk then

Vanessa- No, face to face

Me- I'm cutting the phone

Vanessa- No please its important. Come get me.

Me-  whatever you need to say, you can say over the phone.

Vanessa- Just come and fucking get me Emmanuel

Me- You must be mad

I hung up the phone and put it down. She started calling me again over and over. She was not tryna rest.  In the time since we've broken up, I'd grown to hate her. She's showing me everything everyone else saw but I ignored. She's annoying and crazy. Not cute crazy, she's actually scary. I'm scared of her. I hate her so much.  The other day she made a fake account to harass Nelli. It's bad enough they fought before but she crossed lines with what she was saying. She was really about to get killed, Nelli promised to on sight her when she sees her and Vianni wants to slap her up too.

My phone was silent for a little bit then I got a text.          

"Im pregnant "

I stared at the message for a while... I don't want another kid, atleast not with Vanessa . I was planning to give Nelli another kid in like 4 years. What is this all about? Now I've got two baby mums? Nelli is not going to be happy about this. Not at all. I leaned my head on the steering wheel. I had to think for a second.

I didn't want a child in the first place, I wouldn't exchange him for a thing in the world now but I just didn't want all the drama that comes with it. Im grateful that someone like Nelli is the mother of my child cause if not her then who? I'd have to worry about my child's safety, if we argued they'd use the child as leverage, use me for my money, all of that. I know Vanessa is that type. I cannot have that.

I took a deep breath and started driving. I drove all the way to south to pick up this girl. She got in looking all happy to see me. She leaned over to give me a hug.

Me- Yeah we don't need to do all that. We're going to buy a test right now

Vanessa- Why?

Me- Cos I don't believe you

Vanessa- I wouldn't lie to you Eman

Me- Yes you would put your seatbelt on

Vanessa- Emmanuel why you being like this?

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