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Missed me?☺️☺️

I am so sorry I was gone for so long. I had the most disgusting writers block & leading up to the end of 2021 things just stopped making sense🥲 Love to everyone who left me nice comments and messages, I really appreciate it 🖤

Anyways let's get into it

Nelli's perspective:

Fuck Emmanuel.

Me and Izzy went out for some drinks then to an event after. We met up with a couple people that we knew, we had a good time. By the end of the night, I was finished. I lowkey didn't want the night to end.

"You can come chill at mine... if you want?" Izzy suggested. I shrugged and agreed, completely disregarding the time. Its 3 going on 4am. Izzy's family was asleep so he snuck me upstairs and turned on his TV. He put on a playlist and began to get changed.

"Do you want something to change into?" He asked as he reached into his wardrobe. He threw a top and shorts at me. He stripped down to his boxers so that he could get changed. I wanted to turn away but something caught my attention. P.S. Im drunk... and frustrated.

At that moment, its like I became a different person. Lust took over me in a sudden urge. Izzy looked at me through the reflection in the mirror. He noticed what I was looking at and he bit his lower lip. He gripped it with pride. "You like that yeah" he whispered. Almost as if I was in a trance, I nodded slowly.

He turned around and he chuckled. "What's going on Nelli usually you'd say Im disgusting. What happened?" He climbed onto the bed beside me. I sat up and planted a kiss on his face mid sentence.  I pulled away.

"Why did I do that?" I said dropping my face into my hands.

"Its okay, do it again" Izzy joked. I did it anyway. I don't understand much that happened from that night but all I can say is. It involved some serious intimacy.  We didn't fuck because I was drunk and he thought I would regret my decision in the morning but he... he was hungry, so he ate and he ate well.

I woke up the next morning with a banging headache. I looked over to a naked Izzy beside me snoring his life away. I didn't even know what to do or how to feel. My phone wasnt anywhere beside me. I know I have about 100 missed calls on there. I tried to fall back asleep but I just kept thinking about the potential messages I could be receiving. I snuggled closer to Izzy.

We woke up to loud laughter downstairs. Izzy was up and was listening to whatever was happening with his ear against his door.  He put his finger to his lips and told me to shush. I got out the bed to look for my phone and in the corner of my eye I saw him getting aroused. I ignored it till I couldn't anymore. I looked at him and he looked at me. He knew what I wanted. Weird to say it I know, but he was going to give it to me.

He walked over to me, without breaking eye contact. He threw me on the bed. He licked right in between my two lips. His tongue invaded every single bit of privacy I had down there as he let it roam freely. He climbed on top of me. He slid in the tip and I almost lost it. My eyes rolled to the back of my head.  I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I didnt want anybody to hear. This was our moment I didn't want anybody to disturb it. He put his head in my neck and wrapped his arms around me. He whispered in my ears. I wonder... who else knew about this?? Why did I never give him the chance before?? Does he want me to tell him I love him?? Maybe I should buy him a car or something?? I quickly reached my peak and I swear, that was the best 7 minutes of my life.

It was quiet only our heavy breathing filling the room. He lazily reached over grabbing me a packet of wipes. He cleaned me up. He held me in his arms. "You just gave me the best pussy I've had for a while now." He sighed.

So what now? We cant go back to friends after that happened? What do I even tell Emmanuel? I laid there in silence, just breathing and think while Izzy spoke on the phone. I dont even know what to do at this point.  Izzy found my phone under the bed and I looked at it. Emmanuel started blowing up my phone from 4am till now. I picked up the last call... by accident. I was in the middle of writing him a message.

Emmanuel- Where the fuck are you?

Me- Calm down, I stayed at Izzy's house.

Emmanuel- Swear? So was it better than mine??

I felt the shade in that comment but on a regular day I wouldnt sweat it too much but why did he have to say something like that at a time like this? I already have a guilty conscience and he's making it worse. I was silent for way too long I didnt even know if I should still speak. I hung up the phone. He called me back.

Me- I was just about to call you back

Emmanuel- Get ready Im coming to get you. Me and you need to have a long conversation.

Me- Bring me some clothes then.

Emmanuel- What do you need?

Me- Underwear, a dress and my headscarf.

Emmanuel- Cool, Ill be 23 minutes.

He hung up the phone. I dont know why he said 23 minutes. Izzy sat on the toilet while I had a wash. He was barely speaking to me but I just put it down to him not wanting to make any noise. When I had finished, I waited for Izzy to run outside, get my clothes and bring them up.

I got changed. It was a hot day today...

"You look very nice" Izzy said as he shook his head while looking me up and down. He gave me a hug and walked me downstairs while nobody was paying attention. I got in the car and Emmanuel just stared at me. He squinted his eyes... can he tell what I've just done??

He leaned close to me. "Dont come so close before I punch you in the face after how you spoke to me yesterday." I said. He just leaned back still not taking his eyes off of me. He put the handbrake down and sped off, then he finally started looking at the road. He would glance over at me every once in  while. I avoided all type of eye contact.  I fiddled on my phone with nothing to do on it till a notification came through.

"So... what happened between us was just a one time thing?"

I didnt open it I just read it through the notification bar. I was gonna ignore it until another one came through.

"I guess it didn't mean as much to you as it did to me."

Oh for fuck sake.

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