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Wednesday November 1st 1978

The first day of November. It's getting colder down here. They're going to have to move me eventually. I finally got some answers out of the guards. It turns out they're not so sure why I'm in here either.  But they agreed to help me. It reminded me of when Christopher helped me escape from the palace.

"The Queen plans on moving you up to a guest room for the winter. She's decided to trust you." One of the guards told me on one of our walks outside.

All of the leaves have fallen from the trees and there were servants raking them away. "Ah, she decides she wants to be loyal to the princess now does she?" I asked.

The guard laughed. "I suppose so. At least she's not going to make you stay in the dungeon."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "I wouldn't have stayed anyway. I have now gained her trust; I need no more but to escape."

"Where did you come from anyway? Where did you go when you escaped the first time?" The guard asked.

"Well we've been hiding out in a small cottage in Painswick but they still managed to find us. We were planning on taking a ship to Australia but we didn't have any money." I told him honestly.

"If were your savior I would have leant you all the money you needed." He said softly.

"Now that I know that I might take advantage." I winked. I knew I shouldn't be flirting but it could be my only ticket out of here.

Sunday November 5th 1978

Dear Diary,

The guards took me for a look inside the palace today. I learnt a few of their names, Nicholas, Robert and Peter. We searched the halls for possible escapes and I even showed them my drawings in return they walked me by my new room and helped pick out a new gown to wear tomorrow when I met the Queen.

"What's the point in having a lovely dress and being all dirty when wearing it?" I asked Peter glumly.

"Not to worry," He replied his hazel eyes twinkling. "We'll send you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up."

Peter was the tallest of the three. He wore his hair at shoulder length but almost always tied back in a tight ponytail.

Once I was bathed and dressed they escorted me back to the dungeon where I had to sleep until they awoke me. We usually sat around to chat but tonight was different. Nicholas told me before I went to sleep that we must be careful.

"The Queen is getting suspicious." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked returning the soft tone.

"You mustn't talk to us, Princess. Not until you have met with the Queen and she is certain you can be trusted. Otherwise you may have to spend you winter out here." I took his warning thankfully and lay down. They had managed to talk the maid into bring down some blankets and a pillow it was nice of them but I think it may also have caused the maid extra hours.

That night I dreamt of Christopher and how I felt like I was betraying him by making new friends. I tried to tell myself that's what he would have wanted but somehow I still need convincing.

I guess I just miss him too much.

Monday November 6th 1978

Dear Diary,

My mother is no longer Queen.

It is indeed the same throne she once sat upon but there is no denying that that isn't her. I was supposed to be the Queen right now. I was next in line. But I ran away from it. I fought to hold back tears at the sight of the new lady but it was extremely hard and not at all something I was expecting. She wasn't at all like my mother, everything was opposite. Instead of the long auburn hair mother and I both shared it was grey. Instead of our cyan blue eyes hers were brown. My mother's voice was smooth and warm and when she spoke it sounded like a melody, whereas this lady's voice was more of a screech. I didn't know vampires ever looked this old, I didn't think they were old enough to wear a wrinkle that's for sure and if they did they were turned like that and eventually smoothed out over time. Either our new Queen was recently made or she's not a vampire.

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