20th of January 1979

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17th June 1932

Cameron was swinging on a tyre swing that was hanging from our favourite tree. I sat a few branches higher, dangling my legs over the edge. We were inside the castle grounds planning our escape.

"Are you sure we should do this Christopher?" I had asked him numerous times.

Every time he answered the same thing. "Isn't this what you want Genevieve?"

I nodded sadly. "Of course, I'm just not sure about it."

In seconds he was sitting beside me looking down at the green grass on the ground.

"If you're having second thoughts we'll go back inside and pretend we love it here. We can lie to your father about us being friends and we can be miserable." He said looking into my eyes.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Thats not what I want. I want to run away with you Chris but...what happens if we get caught? I'm the princess, it won't be taken lightly and everyone will think you kidnapped me."

Chris wouldn't have it. He shook his head. "We won't get caught and if we do you'll set them straight."

"My fathers not that lenient Christopher." I whispered.

"We'll be fine Gen, you just wait and see." Christopher nudged my side and I'm not sure why but I started to fall from the tree.

I didn't fall far but I fell into someone's arms.

I looked up to stare into Cameron's grey eyes. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

He shook his head and smiled. "You must be more careful princess."

I giggled and I couldn't believe my ears when he laughed also. "Thank you Cameron."

He shook his head. "I'd save you a thousand times and never expect a thank you, Gen."

My throat tightened and I believed his every word. "Would you accompany me to language class?"

Cameron smiled and then nodded, tilting his head up to Christopher. "Try not to push my princess out of anymore trees."

My eyes snapped up and locked with Cameron's.

He shook his head. "I think it's best we each find our own way to language class."

I shook my head but he'd already started running away.

20th January 1979

My eyes snapped open and I looked up around me was my room. No trees. No Christopher.

I felt someone stir beside me and I looked over to see Cameron smiling at me. "Bad dream?"

I shook my head. "Not a dream, a memory."

"Do you think someone put it there? Christopher maybe?" He asked frowning slightly.

I smiled at his worried face but shook my head. "No, I think it was just me. It was the day before Chris and I ran away. I was having seconds thoughts but he was urging me into it. Then he pushed me out the tree and..."

"And I caught you..." Cam finished for me.

I smiled and looked down at our hands which were intertwined together. "You said you'd save me a thousand times. You called me your princess. You were the reason I hesitated to leave the kingdom."

Cameron nodded and pulled me closer to his chest. "I know."

I looked into his troubled eyes. "Why didn't you stop me Cameron? If you knew why didn't you stop me?"

"Because it wasn't meant to happen that way, there was still a part of you that wanted to get out. I couldn't deprive you of your freedom Gen." He whispered with a smile. "You have no idea how hard it was to force myself to stay away from you."

"Why did you then?" I asked him quietly.

"It was forbidden, before you fully bloomed when we were together bad things happened. Do you remember that fire in 1908?" He asked me resting on his elbow so we could see each others faces.

I nodded remembering the day like I was living it again. Christopher had gone out for the day so I'd had the chance to talk to Cameron. We'd only been together half an hour before his hand accidentally brushed mine and sparks had flown, literally.

There'd been a huge fire, it had reached half the kingdom grounds and killed at least eight vampires.

"I know you probably wont want to believe it but it was us. Our energy mixing together." His voice was shaky and a little horse.

I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I always had my suspicions."

He hugged me and kissed my hair with a small chuckle. "Is this..."

There was a knock at the door and I jumped up trying to sense the energy behind it.

"Christopher." Cameron muttered in disgust. He kissed my forehead one last time before standing and displeasing out the window.

I stomped over to the door and flung it open. "What do you want, I was sleeping?"

Chris blinked a few times and frowned. "Jeromy requires your assurance, we're going to watch the kingdom."

I rolled my eyes. "Give me a second to prepare."

Then I slammed the door in his face and turned around feeling my hands shake a little then I slumped to the ground and sighed.

When I stood up again I headed into my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a loose jumper and then brushed through my hair, hoping I was presentable.

I needed a hunt. I was becoming thirsty again and I made a mental note to drop by the feeders when I was done with the meeting.

Out in the hallway Chris was waiting for me and I strutted straight past him without a word but in seconds he was back by my side.

"Give it a rest Christopher, I'm in no way interested." i told him not even bother to glance over to see his face.

"What happened to being friends?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "I don't know Chris, I just don't feel like talking to you. Tell me one thing though, all those years ago did you force me to leave the castle because of me or because of you?"

He frowned. "You wanted to leave Gen."

I shook my head. "Last minute I chickened out but you forced me to leave."

"Because you wanted to go." He urged.

I sighed and walked ahead of him again. "Not a good enough answer."

I entered the conference room and sat down at the giant table and glared at the wine glass of blood in front of me. I breathed in the scent and quickly downed it in seconds before meeting Jayde's eyes and smiled. Then I looked over to Jeromy and nodded for him to start.

The witches made a clear picture appear in the glass ball once again and we all watched, most of us in fake anticipation.

I looked around the table and everyone was watching the ball except Christopher he was staring out the window with a scowl on his face. I looked over to see out the window and found Cameron looking at me with a longing smile. I gave him a warm, happy smile and he waved happily then out of the corner of my eye I saw Christopher's gaze fix on me and he shook his head and frowned but I wasn't looking at him or Cameron, my eyes were now glued to the crystal ball as if nothing had ever happened.

Vampire Princess (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon