Wednesday 5th January 1979

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Wednesday 5th January 1979

Dear Diary,

"Today we shall watch the Queen." Jeromy had announced this morning. "My witches are ready and so are Jayde's we are all at our high and I think your creation has had enough time."

"It hasn't even been a week." I pointed out to him.

He had shrugged and laughed. "All the better, she's still strong, full of human blood. She's unruly bt strong."

I had nodded and retreated back to my room to tell her.

Her name is Louisa and she has adjusted to immortality as well as a queen would. She looked fantastic and was extremely excited to complete her first job as a vampire. I like her already.

"You want me to help you?" She had wondered excitedly.

I had nodded and stood up even taller. "That is why you were created."

"You're not joking are you?" She had laughed.

"Of course not." I had replied.

So later today we found ourselves sitting around a big table all holding hands with candles lit. It smelt like a birthday party. We were all mumbling things and eventually the crystal ball on the table had lit up and we could see the Queen.

 She was perched on her throne with a huge smile on her face. I could hear a male's voice but I couldn't see whom it was. It wasn't familiar. It had a slight accent, Russian maybe. He was teasing her. I could tell by the tone of his voice and the look on her face.

He had walked up to the side of her throne and grabbed her hand. She had lifted her eybrows and leant in. When had leant in his shoulder length hair had covered his face but the moment he pulled my eyes glued to the tiny tattoo on the side of his neck.

An ouroboros. The snake swallowing it's tail was printed in black ink on the side of his neck. This meant two things. He was one of my family or he was evil.

I didn't have to think too much about which one it was.

Vampire Princess (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon