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Thursday 1st December 1978

Dear Diary,

It is officially winter. And it's bloody cold. I don't feel it as much as everyone else but I can still feel it when it's minus five degrees.

Today we're off to another house here in Poitiers. Honestly i can't wait to leave already. I know there'll be nothing helpful here. The town's too busy. I'm not sure why all the boys want to bother. I imagine our Jayde to be living out the back of town and away from everything. Not smack bang in the middle of it all. The boys agree but still want to try. I don't know why they bother.

Friday 2nd December 1978

Dear Diary,

The house was a fail. Big surprise there. Today we actually ate real food. We hadn't thought about this until now and decided that we needed to eat something that wasn't read and liguid.

We ate at a fancy restaraunt and left before sunset. Then we moved on to another town.

La Rochelle was only little more than an hour away and we were there with time to spare. We only have another six Jaydes to look for then were on our own. I hope she's one of the houses. I won't be able to cope tracking her down on our own.

Saturday 3rd December 1978

Dear Diary,

We stayed the night in La Rochelle last night and moved on early this morning. La Rochelle is a beautiful place and this morning I asked if we could check out the beach. La Rochelle is almost surrounded by water there are big buildings almost like castles that have water at their doorstep. It was quite different to Painswick.

We're now in a hotel room in Rodez after our long drive from La Rochelle. I'm exhausted. I walked into the tiny kitchen that includes a sink, microwave, fridge and a toaster and pulled out a glass.and opening a bottle of our blood and pouring it into the glass. Christopher decided he wanted to join me.

We emptied them in seconds and when I looked back in the bedroom the rest of the boys were asleep. It made me giggle and I tiptoed in and sat on my bed with Christopher following behind me.

"I'm having fun on this little adventure, Geniveuive." He told me quietly trying not to wake the boys.

"I would be too if it weren't so frustrating." I told him with a sigh.

Chris grabbed my hand and stared into my cyan coloured eyes. "Thank you for remembering to come and get me."

I smiled relieved. "I would never forget to come and get you Chrissie. You're too important to me."

"i'll see you in the morning." He had whispered almost ten minutes ago before he had fallen to sleep.

I stroked the side of his faced and kissed his cheek.

I've never felt this way about Christopher.

Why do I now?

Sunday 4th December 1978

Dear Diary,

The house was ano go zone. Private property which i thought for sure would mean it's Jayde's. Apparently not.

After knocking three times and buzzing at the gate we were told to leave the property and never return. I compelled the gaurd to let me speak to Jayde. Turns out that Jayde was almost ninety years old and very rich. We were off the premisis in no time at all.

Rodez was quickly crossed off our list and we moved on to our next destination. Annecy.

Another long drive that consisted of French radio and snoring vampires. Eventually I stopped thinking and drifted off to sleep only to wake up an hour later to find myself lying in a big bed in a big room.

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