19th January 1979

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19th January 1979

Cameron and I spoke to the rest of the group the next day. Almost everyone was against it but in the end they decided to speak to Jayde first. I told them that she couldn’t see them during the day and that they’d have to trust Cameron and me and tag along to meet Jayde off castle grounds.

And they all agreed.

I was a little bit hesitant about telling Nicholas about it. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said about my father but somewhere deep down I trusted him and I knew he was telling the truth.

So later that night we followed Jayde curiously and a little bit anxiously to the secret place that no one else was supposed to know about. I couldn’t help but squeeze Cameron’s hand as we sped further and further away from the castle. He was comforting and I felt like if I let go I’d be cold and alone again.

“Okay, here we are.” Jayde declared as we entered a very open clearing.

I frowned and shook my head. “It’s no good, anyone could see us here.”

Jayde winked at me and pulled forward Mona and Serin. “Off you go girls.”

Mona and Serin held hands and stuck their foreheads together and started chanting something in Latin. “Ostende nobis, indicet nobis viam. Oramus pro vobis cordi spiritus, in ea parte consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ostende nobis, indicet nobis viam.”

Then suddenly the sky flashed and in front of us was a door. It didn’t look as if it led anywhere it was just standing there in the thin air. There was a thin veil of light surrounding it and Mona skipped over to it and opened the door. Jayde stood before it, blocking our view of what was inside grinned.

“Are you all ready, I must warn you though, behind this door is a truth spell, which means you have to tell the truth no matter what and you have to keep everything to yourself. What’s said in the room stays in the room.” Then she winked and moved to walk in but turned back. “Is there anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable entering?” Of course if you don’t we won’t be able to trust you anyway so…”

No one spoke.

Jayde grinned again and pushed the door open as far as it could reach. “Fantastic, Mona, show everyone the way lovely. Serin, you take the back in case anyone gets any funny ideas.”

Then everyone started entering the unknown, walking into the door and out of sight. Cameron and I skipped up the front beside Mona and Jayde and we skipped down a whole three flight of stairs before, finally, Jayde opened a blood red door and walked through it. The walls were white inside and the carpet red. There were candles and white pillows around and a large red couch up the front beside a chalk board.

Jayde skipped over to the couch and sat down on it and patted the seat beside her for Cameron and I. Mona sat silently beside Cameron and Serin ushered everyone into the room and made sure they were seated on the ground before locking the door with a long wrought iron key and skipping over to join us on the sofa.

Jayde peeked down the end of the couch to peer at the twins. “Which one of you has neater hand writing? I don’t want you to do a lot of work, just a spell to write down everything I tell it to.” Jayde winked and flashed her hands. “I couldn’t be bothered wasting my effort and getting chalky hands.”

Mona jumped up and walked over to the board, held her hands up and closed her eyes. Soon enough there was a piece of chalk in the air waiting for instructions.

Jayde clapped her hands happily and stood up. “Okay, chalk, draw me Jeromy and then draw me that wrinkly old human sitting upon my sister’s throne.”

Vampire Princess (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora