Thursday 6th January 1979

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Thursday 6th January 1979

Dear Diary,

Today I spent all of my time sitting in my bedroom with, mother, Chris, Jayde and Louisa thinking about the man we saw yesterday. The evil one.

The queen obviously thought that he actually liked her romantically but he definetly didn't. It's something humans will never understand but he is most definetely using her so that he doesn't have to be king. He doesn't want people to know he's king, they'll destroy him.

Which is exactly why we have to find out just who he is.

"So you're positive you don't recognise him?" I had asked my mother at least eight times.

"I wish I did but no, I'm sorry. I've never seen him before in my long life." She had smiled sadly everytime.

Jayde had taken over after that. "Right every one. I'm going to inform Jeromy and his witches. They need to regain their power and we have to get a better look at this thing that has taken everything that he doesn't deserve."

Then she had stormed out the room leaving the rest of us feeling lost and hopeless.

"I'm going to go catch up on some sleep." My mother had whispered to me as she pat my knee softly. "I shall see you in the morn."

After a few moments I noticed how awkward Louisa was looking. "Are you okay?" I had asked her. "You may speak or leave, whatever you want just stay inside this castle."

"Milady that man was creepy." She whispered.

I had laughed throwing my head back. "Of course he was, he's got the tattoo to prove it."

"No more than that." She had sounded so small and so scared. "I have a really bad vibe about him. I think he's powerful."

"More than Jayde, Jeromy, my mother or I? It's almost impossible." I had shrugged her off like a fly.

"Whatever you say Milady, but I think we should be more careful." She had informed me softly.

"Well it's not up to you to choose how we proceed with this problem but I will inform the others and warn them about you 'feelings' about him. I'm sure they will be most interested to hear such words from such a new being." I had snapped then softened a little. "I give you my word that I will let them know."

She had nodded then bowed and stood before walking away.

Christopher had looked at me with his big eyes and smiled. "I agree with Louisa, you're going to have to be more careful. She's going to be a smart one her. Maybe she was a witch in her past life."

I had smiled and taken his hand in mine. "Perhaps," Then I had winked and leaned forward to kiss his lips.

He was wering the necklace around his neck, the ouroboros. It was sweet, he never took the thing off. I think I made the right choice in giving it to him.

"You know you're pretty evil yourself, in your own ways." Christopher had tickled the side of my neck and pulled me closer.

"Oh, I know."

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