6th February 1979 (Final Chapter)

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6th February 1979

“Where’s mother?” I whispered as Jayde walked into my room and sat down on the edge of my bed.

She smiled and shook her head. “She didn’t make it.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up. “No, I want to see her now.”

“Genevieve, your mother was killed at battle. Jeromy got to her, she thought she could defeat him herself but she couldn’t.” Jayde whispered soothingly.

I looked into her eyes and knew she was telling the truth. I sucked in my breath and sat back down on the bed before sighing and covering my face with my hands. I hadn’t always been close with my mother but knowing the fact that she was dead really scared me.

“Are you alright?” She asked me.

I nodded and swallowed my tears. “Yes, I’m fine. Where’s Cameron?”

She held my hand and led me straight down the hall to where he was standing.

5th February 1980

“Look, I know it’s only been a year and in our time that’s nothing but thank you all for coming out. It’s important that we have this event. It will remind us every year that there is evil out there and no matter what happens we can stay strong and persevere. We lost our Queen that day. I lost my mother. There were friends and families torn apart from all around our world. Now please, everyone bow your heads for a minute’s silence.” I announced in front of the huge crowd of vampires, werewolves and whatever else.

I had been ruling the world for the year and Cameron and I had married shortly after we won the war. We didn’t want to wait any longer and then we were crowned king and queen.

I’d in forced more laws for our world. Only ones that are going to pay off though…Starting with every immortal no matter vampire, witch, werewolf etc… will have to participate in combat training in case of war. There will be no such thing as royals or such, just Cameron and I looking over the world and everyone seems to approve.

If any of them wish they’re allowed to communicate with humans. I always hated that rule.

So far I loved my job. I didn’t even consider it a job, more like a duty.

A moment later a bell sounded and everyone looked up to Cameron, Mona, Serin, Roland, Jayde and I. I’d made them all my officials. Jayde was more like my sister and Mona and Serin were my official witches but Roland and Mona seemed to be like a package deal ever since the war ended. I didn’t mind.

“Thank you everyone. Please enjoy the rest of the memorial.” I spoke before turning away.

Soon enough most people left but there were still a few groups of people loitering around the village green. Mona and Serin were engaged in a conversation with a few other witches and I was sure Roland had joined the rest of his pack.

I smiled at Jayde and she gave me a quick hug. “How are you feeling?”

I sighed and shrugged. “It’s tough but I’ll get through it.”

“Of course you will. You’re the queen. Not only do you have to get over it but you’re strong, you always have been.” She promised me with an encouraging smile. “You know, I never thanked you for what you did for me.”

“Because I never did anything.” I chuckled lightly.

She nodded. “Of course you did. You helped me become the vampire I am today. You knew I didn’t like how I was, and you helped me.”

I smiled. “Well Jayde, I think you did the changing all by yourself.”

Jayde shook her head and grinned. “Well thanks anyway.”

Now Cameron came over and looped his arm through mine. Together we stood and looked out to our kingdom. For a moment we just stood there but then he turned to me and smiled.

“You know I’m so proud of you.” He whispered.

I grinned and nodded. “I know.”

He hugged. “I love you Genevieve.”

I looked into his eyes for a moment but instead of saying it back I just kissed him and let him hold me. The two of us as strong as anything standing up in front of the world together, we didn’t need anything more.

I was happy.

Hopefully I would be for at least a little while longer too.


Its short I know. The whole thing is short but yes, that is the end! I’m so sorry that it took so long for me to upload at times and I just want to say how much I love every single one of you that read this story. I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did pretty please comment, vote and fan!

If you like stories about stuff like this then check out my latest story ‘More Than A Pretty Face’ I think you’ll like it. Once again thank you so much!

Love Lainey. xoxo

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