Sunday 2nd January 1979

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Sunday 2nd January 1979

Dear Diary,

My new friend woke up early last night and she's quite beautiful. She's got blond hair and icy blue eyes and her face is perfect. She was tall but she wasn't enormous. And she was thin but she wasn't skinny.

I took her out to the feeders and I could tell she was the perfect choice. She was strong and controlled and willing to try anything. I knew she'd be powerful enough to help me watch over the Queen. She could do it with ease.

But I'd have to keep an eye on her.

Jeromy and Jayde agreed that when the witches and my new friend were strong enough that we'd do another watching and this time we'd be able to hear. I cannot wait to get to the bottom of this.

Towards the end of the day Christopher and I snuck off out into the winter snow and found a quiet place to talk. He was so sweet and I mentally slapped myself for not giving in sooner. It was clear we've both alway been crazy about each other.

It's my fault though. I'd be mad with Chris if he'd made a move. I was convinced we'd always be just friends. Maybe I was just terrified that it would destroy our friendship and make it majorly awkward if we weren't both really in love. I've know CHris all my life and only once have I ever thought about a real boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with him.

I don't think I could be happier.

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