18th January 1979

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18th January 1979

When I awoke in the morning I felt different.

I felt stronger.

I sat up and looked around and for once I didn’t feel the natural thirst for blood either. I stood up and pulled on a green sweater before heading out the door and walking straight past the feeders’ room.

I smiled. I felt as if I were on top of the world. I wanted desperately to talk to Cameron again but I knew that it wasn’t a good idea. Instead I decided I was going to go down to Christopher’s room. Then I realised I was mad at him.

I heard a little laugh. I turned around quickly only to frown. It was the twins, grinning at me mysteriously.

Mona didn’t blink once. She just stared me down with the same, ghostly, amused creepy smile on her face. “What have you done Genevieve?”

I shook my head, not understanding. “What are you implying Mona?”

Serin laughed. Her laugh sounded like tiny little, high pitched bells. “Perhaps you should figure that out yourself.”

Mona nodded in agreement with her twin, her long waves bouncing. “You should be careful who you trust.”

“Again, I wonder, what you are implying.” I urged.

They looked at each other and then back at me.

“If you do not know,” Mona started.

“Then perhaps you should stay away from him.” Serin finished her sister’s sentence.

I shook my head. Did they mean Cameron? He had to be who they meant; I mean who else could it be? “Cameron’s fine, I’ve got it under control.”

Mona shook her head and didn’t smile. “Not Cameron.”

I shook my head and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them they were gone.

I could only hear a quiet whisper. “Christopher.” It seemed to say.

But I didn’t understand. I’d trust Christopher with my life, he’d been my best friend forever and I knew that I could tell him anything and everything. He’d saved my life over and over. He’d helped me escape when I wasn’t happy. He was always helping me. I needed him and I hoped he needed me. I wasn’t going to let one little disagreement get the best of our friendship.

But this wasn’t just one little disagreement.

He was set on us becoming the hottest couple in the vampire world and I didn’t agree.

We’d always been well known best friends because I was a princess and he was nothing. There were always rumours of the two of us but I had never thought anything of it. I’d never thought we’d ever actually end up together.

I sighed and kept walking.

I didn’t know where exactly I was going.

I just walked.

I ended up in the courtyard. I turned around and smiled to myself. On the ground where Cameron and I had formed our bond laid a single, blood red rose. I walked over to it airily and picked it up. I held it against my nose and breathed in its scent. It didn’t smell like a rose should, instead it smelt of the candles that had been displayed around it only hours ago.

I held it to my heart and didn’t put it back. Instead I sat down on the stone ledge and stared at the ground.

“I heard you and the peasant had a fight, would I be correct?” A soft voice came from across the yard.

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