1st February 1979

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Okay I haven't uploaded in forever! I know I'm so sorry but I had a bad case of writers block with this one !! I had it on hold and i was actually planning on taking a month or so off this but I got a message from VioletPrincess1 so you can all thank her !!

Enjoy ! :)

1st February 1979

Weeks past and nothing had happened. I’d been lying low and keeping off the radar. Jayde had been training and strengthening the other warriors and she was starting to get confident that they were almost ready. I hoped that she was right.

We didn’t have much longer to go.

Jayde was positive Jeromy wouldn’t be willing to wait another month, so by the end of February someone would be dead whether it was us or him no one was sure but I was hoping and praying that all of our hard would pay off. Otherwise it would be us that were dead, not him.

We were all going to meet in the clearing at midday. We’d stopped meeting late at night because it was too obvious, that was when Jeromy and the others were most alert and awake. They were usually asleep in the middle of the day.

The only downside, the daylight slowed us down.

Mona and Serin tried their hardest to keep the sun away and keep us hidden at the same time but we needed more power, soon enough we’d have it.

Roland was doing a terrific job at keeping the wolves in line. He’d only had two killed and one injured since he’d started which an excellent job is considering Jayde had lost at least eleven, although she always knew where she could find more when she needed it. I’d just been supervising and learning. I’d had Cameron teach me some moves even though I knew just as much as he did. Jayde had assured me that I was a natural and that I didn’t need as much work as everyone else.

Cameron was sitting with his legs crossed watching a brawl between two girl vampires when I found him.

I sat down beside him and sighed. “What’s going to happen when this is all over?”

He shrugged and shook his head. “I have no idea Gen; we just have to hope everything goes okay.” He chuckled. “We need a fortune teller. “

I grinned and licked my lips. “We’ll have to get right on that.”

We both laughed.

It felt good to talk to him. He knew how to make me feel happy when I was sad and unsure and I loved him for that. We just sat there for a while by each other’s side, enjoying the company.

He held my hand to his heart and looking into my eyes. “If I had a heart, you’d make it race every day Genevieve. I don’t know how but I know that everything will be okay, because of you.”

I sighed and leant into him. “You always know the right things to say, even if you’re just lying.”

“I’m not lying Gen, you’re amazing.” He whispered once again.

I laughed softly. “Well if it were possible, I’d be blushing right now.”

“Okay enough you two!” Jayde yelled with a little wink. “Come and train a little!”

I giggled and pat his leg softly before standing up. “C’mon, we really should go. I want to be ready.”

He nodded and clasped my hand in his and walked with me over to Jayde. “I know you do Gen, and we will be. Jayde’s sure we’ve got at least another two weeks and everyone is doing great. Look at them all.” He said motioning to the brawls going on around us.

Vampire Princess (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon