17th / 18th January 1979

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17th January 1979 – Early Morning.

I didn’t go inside Cameron’s room. I went around the side of the window like I had earlier in the day to hide from Nicholas. I sat underneath the window so that no one could see me and stopped breathing. It was easy for me. I didn’t need the air but I was used to doing it because breathing was a human thing.

I could hear Nicholas’s loud, booming voice talking. “…her get too close. The boy’s got some moves. It’s not the way things are supposed to be. We cannot let it happen.”

Next I heard Cameron’s voice. “It’s no use; they’ve been friends for over a century. I’ve always been the one on the sidelines. She’s never been interested in me before so why should she be now? They’re already too close for me to even bother.”

“Exactly, they’ve been friends for a century.” Nicholas pointed out.

There was a sigh and then Cameron replied. “He’s been in love with her ever since we were three years old. I swear Genevieve was the first word he said.”

You could hear the hatred clear and Cameron’s voice. It made me feel a little scared.

“I don’t care how he feels!” Nicholas growled. I’d never heard him sound so angry and forceful before. “The only thing that matters to me is her! I only care about how she feels.”

I listened closer and heard Cameron’s familiar little chuckle. “You think I don’t want that too? By the way you need to be much more careful. She saw you today in here. I can’t believe you just left that note there like that. She could be here right now you know.”

“No,” Nicholas said immediately. “I mean I already know about that. She’s already growled at me. She thinks she can’t trust anyone. She’s angry we went behind her back. She wouldn’t come here; she was too upset and angry. Besides, Jeromy and Jayde were talking to her.”

Cameron sighed as if he were relieved. “So you think we’re safe?”

“Of course,” Nicholas spat. “I’d know if we weren’t. She’s not inside this room and I can tell.”

I almost laughed. He really had no idea that I was sneaking around in the shadows outside. I thought he might’ve realised but after he said that I felt as if I could breathe again. He didn’t know I was there.

“So what do you want me to do about it?” Cameron said tiredly. “The boys shall be back soon so you’re going to have to leave before they get back.”

“Don’t worry; I will be gone soon enough. You need to apologise to her. Tell her the truth. Get on her good side again. You must become closer to her. Your fate depends on it.” Nicholas replied harshly.

“I still don’t understand what any of this has to do with you and why it’s your business what Genevieve and I do together. I’m not sure why you picked me either.” Cameron sounded really confused. It’s amazing what you could pick up when you couldn’t see either of their faces.

“You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me you do not have feelings for the Princess. All your life you have. Soon enough you’ll understand why. It’s your fate.” Nicholas whispered now.

I heard Cameron sigh. “Does it matter? She loves Christopher. She’ll never be able to move on from him. I’d never have a chance with her.”

I almost gasped. Cameron hadn’t denied that he’d had feelings for me.

“Talk to her. Spend more time with her. Her love for you will grow. I promise you, it’s always been there and it always will be. It just needs a little push.” Nicholas tried to assure Cameron. “I must be leaving now. I shall be here tomorrow at the same time.”

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