9th - 14th January 1979

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9th January 1979

Dear Diary,

Today I invited Louana to a conference with the rest of our team. Jeromy, Jayde, Chris, Mother Nicholas, Robert and Peter.

She had sat beside Jayde and I. She looked nervous and I didn't blame her. The whole time she stared at Jeromy even when he wasn't speaking. It was worrysome but I tried to ignore her strangness, she'd get used to it.

Mother still seemed okay about Christopher and I and I wondered if it was just Father that had disapproved of him.

I felt just as close to Chris as I always had but now it's different. It's as though if we had a disagreement or ended things between us it would be awkward forever. I really hoped that everything would stay the same.

10th January 1979

Dear Diary,

This morning I heard a knock at my door. I assumed that it was only Christopher or mother so I told them to come in without thinking. Nicholas stood at my door looking awkward as I quickly scurried around my room and stepped into my pants and threw a tshirt over my head.

"What is it Nicholas?" I had asked him trying to avoid sounding angry and unnapprochable.

He shook his head. "It is nothing of concern Milady I was just wondering if you'd like to come and have morning tea with some of the guards and prisoners. I'm sure they'd appreciate a visit from the princess, don't you?"

I nodded and then frowned. I looked around my room then back at Nicholas. "Would you mind waiting outside while I get changed."

He nodded, bowed and shut the door behind him.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a long white hultarneck dress. It was elegant and princess like and I smiled as I stepped into it and tied up the back. I didn't bother with shoes and I brushed my hair back neatly and headed out the door where Nicholas was waiting.

"Are you ready Milady?" He asked politely.

I had nodded. "Yes, but my name is Genevieve."

He nodded once and led me away to the servants quarters.

WHen we arrived sad and glum faces turned to happy excited ones which made me smile. I looked at them. They were dirty and all looked tired eyed and bored still.

I walked over to one familiar face. I frowned for a moment thinking deeply. I couldn't remember who he was no matter how hard I tried.

"Hello," I whispered sofly. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

He chuckled without any humour. "OF course you don't remember me, I'm not Christopher."

I frowned at the boy and thought some more about who he could be. "I'm so sorry but I really don't remember you, it's your eyes." I told him staring into the two voids of the shiniest, light grey. "I would never forget eyes like those."

He shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry princess but I think that if you really cared enough to remember that you would." He spat. "I do not wish to spend my only free time of the day wih you."

I shrugged. "Well I do not wish to keep you. I shall see you tomorrow."

He didn't answer, just turned around and sprined away.

12th January 1997

Dear Diary,

I did not see the boy again yesterday.

Or today.

I still couldn't think of who he was or who he could be. I didn't speak to anyone and i wouldn't until I remembered everything about the boy I'd seen.

I thought of his eyes, the light shining grey of pure beauty and saddness. I thought of his light brown and perfectly messy hair, the sound of his voice and the smoothness of his skin. I thought of how familiar and mysterious he seemed.

I still couldn't remember.

13th January 1979

Dear Diary,

Cameron. I remembered. His name is Cameron.

Christopher and him hate each other. Cameron was always by himself and I would always try to convince him to get him to stay with us but Chris hated him and Cameron returned the hate.

I remembered the way he used to stare at me. Cameron used to hate that I always picked Christopher over him, but what was I supposed to do?

I remembered feeling sorry for him all of the time but never having the guts to talk to him. He was always so lonely and unapproachable that no one would ever want to talk to him.

I always secretly found him interesting and for a while I had a little bit of a crush on him but it was long gone the moment he started a fight with Christopher.

I promised myself I'd forget him after that.

And I did.

14th January 1979

Dear Diary,

Today I went to see Cameron. It took some time to build up the courage but in the end I snuck away from Christopher and ran down to his chambers. When I got to his dorm I almost turned back. Inside there were four boys, all vampires and none happy.

I knocked politely on the door and all four pairs of eyes turned my way. Three faces lit up, but the other, the most important just rolled his eyes and slumped onto his bed.

I smiled at the boys. "Sorry to bother you but would you mind if I spoke to Cameron here?"

I saw Cameron twitch and I smiled in satisfaction.

One of them shrugged. "Sure, take all the time you need princess."

I nodded once and they all left the room.

"I honestly didn't think you'd come." He told me, hs face expressionless.

I laughed, but I was nervouos. "Well I'm here and I was just going to offer you my apologies."

He turned to face me. "Did you ask anyone about me? Does Christopher or anyone else know I'm here?"

I shook my head. "I've spoken to no one about this since I last saw you Cameron."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you princess."

"Please Cameron, we've known each other for so long, when have you ever called me princess?" I demanded with my hands on my hips.

He shrugged. "Fine, Gen it is."

It took me by surprise that he used my nickname but I went with it. "I don't have much time right now Cam but I'll be back again. I'll explain everything tomorrow. It's to do with the Queen. Jeromy's helping us."

"Why Jeromy? He hates the royals, that's why I'm here." He shook his head.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I've brought Jayde with me."

He nodded once. "That explains it. I'll see you tomorrow Genevieve."

i smiled. "You too Cameron."

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