Being carried by servants is the best way to travel

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"42 of you qualified to move onto the next round. Gird your loins and prepare for your next test. Calvary battle! Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course you will hear that over and over at UA. Show us what plus ultra really means."

And she points a sex toy at Midoriya....

"Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million!"

Cue us all glancing at Midoriya with surprised expressions. The sheer panic on his face, it almost made me feel sorry for the poor guy. But as my classmates will soon learn, being on the top comes with its problems, I would know best.

Midnight goes onto explain the rules of the game, the point system that will be in place, and that we only have 15 minutes to pick a group.

I look glance around, humming softly I fiddle with my gloves. Using common sense, most people decide to crowd Todoroki and Bakugou. Opting to stay away from Midoriya, I sigh and walk over.

"Difficult time eh?"

He jumps at my voice and turns to me with watery eyes.

"Yes! N-No one wants to be on my team because my points are too high." I lift his chin up to face me, "Well that is because you, my dear, are a liability. As with any competition, everyone has their strategies, in a competition like this it would be almost stupid to draw that much attention to yourself. At least at the given moment."

"W-Wait are you saying you're not joining my team either?!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I do consider you a friend, Midoriya. But at the moment I plan on taking it easy, and winning that way," I remove my hand and begin to walk away.

"But you have the second highest! You have just as much attention as me!" I look back at him, "And to counter that I will form a non attention grabbing team. As you will soon realize Midoriya, I am very experienced. And when it comes to competitions, my competitiveness can't be match."

I hear Bakugou spew curses. I snicker, "Maybe only by the hedgehog over there." I turn back around, "Good luck Midoriya, I do hope you make it." I walk away, I really want to see what you're made of.

"Ouch, don't you think you were a little mean?" I look at Shinsou, "No I was honest. Now, I'm guessing you're here to ask me join your team. If you aren't I would almost take offense," I say smiling.

"What if I already have a group hm?"

"We all know you'd rather work with me, and plus I'd be a big help."

He rolls his eyes playfully and my smile grows.

"Fine you're correct there. Come on princess," he says holding his hand out. I take it, "And I'm guessing that makes you my prince?" A blush grows on his face and I happily walk over to his group.

As we walk over I look at Ojiro...and then back at Shinsou, "Stop brainwashing my classmates."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Well to someone who knows what it looks like, yeah. But I'll let this one slide since I like you."

I activate my glove and the screen pops up.

"What's that?"

"Hm? Oh this, it's just something I use on missions. I wouldn't usually use it in such an obvious way but since this isn't an actual mission it's okay!"

He nods and I walk off, "I'll be back when the battle starts!"

I wander over to Bakugou. "I'm honestly surprised you found anyone who met your standards."

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora