If it isnt the Consequences of my Actions

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I walk up the stairs, my body crashing into the walls unable to keep standing for much longer. My eyelids heavy, head throbbing.

I reach a door at the top of the stairs.

Loud voices still calling my name, it's just in my head. Just in my head.

-??? pov-
"You need to fix this. Or we're going to lose the ONLY chance we have at saving them," they yell into my ear.

"I GET IT OKAY?! I KNOW!" I look back at Y/n, my face filling with sympathy.

I didn't mean for this to happen so soon.

-Y/n Pov-
I reach for the doorknob. It's locked.

I groan and step back, giving a good kick into the metal door. It falls off its hinges and I step over it.

I'm outside now. It's bright, the sun is blaring into my eyes.

I'm on the roof, I feel like shit.

I look around, "Nobody's here. Nobody."

I slouch against a wall, footsteps making their way up here. My eyes flutter to a close. Why me...

"Uh.... hello?"

"What do you want?"

"You don't know me but uh- Can you just open your eyes this is to difficult to explain."

I scoff, "How did you even- the hell are you?"

It was a person.

I think.

-3rd Pov-
"Where is the Lady," Kiomi questions placing her katana on the hospital bed.

"Sh- She stepped out for a moment," the nurse answers, eyes drifting to the door handle that Y/n broke on her way out.

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know."

"Who let her leave?"

"She walked out on her own."

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"We c- couldn't."

Kiomi looks over at Aizawa, "What expression did she have?"

"She looked just like her father."

Kiomi's eyes widen, "Yuku-"

"On it." Her brother runs out the room leaving her behind.

-Yukumi's Pov-
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I didn't want to keep this from the Lady but I did it because her father asked. Look where this got me. It's likely she'll never forgive me.

I run up the stairs, broken shards of metal on the floor.

Look what I got myself into... I should've told her. This would be so much easier if I had. I don't want to be on the Lady's bad side. But her father...

A chill runs up my spine.

I don't want be on his bad side either.

The light at the end of the stairwell shines brighter as I make it outside. I take a deep breath in and place my hand on my katana handle.

I really don't want to be on his bad side.

I see the Lady sitting by the edge of the roof, her eyes wide and hands shaking. What's wrong?..

I hide behind a power box, my katana held firmly in my hands.

After a couple of minutes of pure silence, a shriek rings through my ears.

Without a second thought I unsheathe my blade and rush to help the Lady. My eyes widen, darting back and forth between the Lady and a fog like mist that flowed around her.

"What is this? My Lady are you hurt?"

"Yukumi I.... I think I need to reread our history books," she replies.

"This is no time for jokes my Lady," I tuck my blade away and kneel, "If you are injured we need to notify your father and have him come urgently."

"I'm not joking," she taps my shoulder, signaling I can stand back up, "and don't call my dad. I do not wish to speak with him at the moment."

"My apologies, but I do not follow?"

The mist wraps around her waist and flows down her body, I hear Kiomi run up behind me.

"What is this?"

The Lady smiles slightly, "Bring me the history books. I need to research."

"Yes, my Lady." Kiomi bows her head without a second thought.

"But my Lady-"

My sister placed a strong hand on my head, bringing it down with hers, I give in.

"Yes.. my Lady."

Author J Out

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now