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I watch ad Shinsou saunters off, I smile to myself and look at Mushu. "So why are you here?"

"I just wanted to visit you, I mean I haven't seen any of the L/n family since the incident." I nod, "Well you can stay here or go with Kiomi I think she should be here in a while." He nods and hops off my shoulder going to wherever.

I get pulled harshly without a thinking I grab the persons arm and flip them over my shoulder pressing my knee on their stomach.


"GET OFF ME YOU DAMN DUMBASS!" I move and look at him, "My bad, I didn't know it was you."

He stands up and scoffs.

"Whatever, I saw you have to go against that damn half and half to make it to the finals. You better make it dumbass, because you're going to need to fight against me. You better make it or else I'll kick your ass." I snicker and lean forward,

"Wow, confident that you'll make it to the finals. And are you saying, the Katsuki Bakugo, has faith in me?" His blush deepens,

"Shut the hell up! I know you're not some damn weak ass blades, and if you let that bastard beat you I'll be pissed!"

I shrug, "To be honest I was kind of worried about the finals, seeing as how Todoroki acted cold to me prior... no pun intended. I feel a lot more relaxed."

I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you Bakugo." I give a salute and walk back to the stands. Blushing face..... cute.

-3rd Pov-
Bakugo makes his way to the stands and finds Y/n sitting next to Mina. His blush deepens catching the attention of Denki and Kirishima.

"Woah Bakubro what happened before you got here!? Your face is all blushy."

"Shut the hell up shitty hair!" He slinks back into his chair.

-Y/n Pov-
"You seem all dazed out," Mina says.

"That's because Ms. thang here got it o-" I cover Mushu's mouth and glare at him then turn back to Mina, "Nothing. Just focusing, let's continue to watch shall we?" She nods and we turn back to the match.

I remove my hand and Mushu blows a stream of smoke out of his mouth, "Rude." "Lizard."

As the match is about to start I can see Shinsou egging Midoriya on hoping he would reply. My classmate stays strong not answering. A unintelligible sentence leaves Shinsou's mouth. It sends Midoriya over the edge and he responds. I tighten my grip on my pant leg as he falls under Shinsou's quirk.

"Damnit! I told him not to answer his question!"

Ojiro shoots up in panic, most of the class is panicking actually. I, on the other hand, am conflicted. I should be rooting for my classmate, but Shinsou has so much less of a chance of becoming a hero if he doesn't win this round. I sigh to myself, I care for both of them. But I care for Shinsou too much to hope he loses.

I watch as Midoriya steps closer to the edge, and then a small explosion happens. Upon closer inspection, I see two of his finger are broken. I sigh once again realizing the outcome of this round. I watch as Shinsou's body hits the ground, Midnight announces his lost and the crowd stands up exclaiming. I frown to myself as I see the look on his face. Mushu looks up at me and I nod.

"You did great you mind freak! And don't let anyone tell you different," he yells catching Shinsou's attention. Mushu points at me and I give a soft smile, mouthing the words 'I agree.' He smiles softly and his classmates chime in agreeing on his excellent skills. Along with some heroes.

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