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-Y/n Pov-
I cough myself awake, slowly opening my eyes I see two familiar people hovering over me. I look down to see Mushu rested on my chest.

"Yukumi? Kiomi? Wh-What happened," I look around, "I feel like shit."

Regaining my focus, I see their eyes go wide and they both engulf me in a hug.

"We were worried sick my lady," Yukumi whispers while pulling away. I sit up, "Did I lose? Why am I here," I try to remember what happened, "I cant."

"You can't what my lady?"

"I can't remember, well not what happened that made me end up like this..... I remember Todoroki... and- and his flames?.... All I remember was them heading right towards me after that I don't have anything."

-Yukumi's pov-
I look at my sister, she probably thinks the same thing as me.

We are so screwed.

Lady Y/n continues to explain what she remembers. It's just as we thought..... what could have caused this, there was no reason for this to happen with these simple fights.... unless. Oh no.....

-Y/n Pov-
After my talk with the twins, Recovery Girl lets me leave. I walk through the hallway hoping to find a vending machine or anything I could get a quick snack out of. I feel so tired..... Recovery Girl said I was fine but I still feel like shit. What the hell happened during that fight?

I, luckily, find one and buy a few things to hopefully get my energy up. I lean against the wall, slinking down, I begin to shovel snacks into my mouth. Normally I would be against eating like this... but I'm hungry. A shadow forms over me and I look up, "Why does everyone bother me at times like this?"

My eyes meet the second pro hero, Endeavor I think... what type of name is that? He doesn't say a word both of us just kind of.... staring at each other until he breaks the awkward silence.

"You have such a powerful quirk-"


"I am just giving you a compliment child."

I stand up and crumble the snack paper in my hand, "Wrong again. First, you weren't 'giving me a compliment.' I know people like you, dealt with them for years actually, you were sizing me up. Second, that 'powerful quirk' you're talking about.... it doesn't exist."

"What are you talking about?"

I toss the garbage in a trash can right next to him, "Figure it out."

"Then let me get to the point, I want you and my son to create powerful offsprings, with even more powerful quirks. I believe they would be a new generation of heroes. I can pay you as much as you demand, your parents would never need anything else again." Parent. Second, bitch I have more money than your dumbass.

I stand up and pull out a snack bar,

"Not how that works unfortunately, you see I... am quirkless, I know I know, how horrible! Anyways even if I wasn't I'm not selling myself to you or your damn son just to make babies," I toss another wrapper in the trash, "My match it starting soon, bye bye mr flame on."

After replenishing myself, I walk out on the field. Ignoring Bakugo's grin, I look up to find the twins paying close attention... hell even Mushu is on the edge of his seat.

"Don't think that pep talk earlier is going to make me go easy on you blades."

I shrug, "I thought so. But as I said, who am I to deprive the crowd of the best show they'll ever see? Time to shine blasty."

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now