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I sink down into my chair, "You kept this from me.... How long did you know?"

Kiomi adjust herself in her chair, "I said that we're sorry, but that's all the information we can reveal as of now."

"Ha... right. Just keep the information from the one person it affects the most," my gaze snaps towards Yukumi, "makes sense doesn't it?"

"So-Sorry I-"

I stand up, pushing the chair behind me, "Save it. I don't want another apology, I want answers. And until you can give me those, just keep your mouth shut."

His eyes go wide as he nods, "Okay..."

-?????? Pov-
"This is torture to watch! Why can't we just talk to her already?!"

"Shut up. You know the rules you idiot," ___ snaps, "We have to wait until she unlocks it. And thanks to the other idiot, she's gone crazy."

They get a rock thrown at their head along with more yelling, "ITS NOT MY FAULT SHE WAS GOING TO LOSE! I COULDN'T WATCH THAT MONSTROSITY OF A FIGHT!"

Moving my attention from the arguing idiots, I look back at Y/n. What a pain... If only you could unlock this power, this would be so much easier. A red mist coats my hand, third times a charm I guess.

-Y/n Pov-
After another hour of training, I collapse onto the couch. Dad.... you better have a good explanation.

Miruko says that she has something to attend and I give a thumbs up. Knowing she'll be back in about and hour, which means even more gruesome training for me, I decide to get a small nap in.

Because when you're overthinking life and anxious, what's better than shutting out the world with sleep? Nothing right? Yeah. That's what I thought.

"Mushu! Wake me up in an hour," I exclaim while pulling a blanket over myself.


I end up thinking myself to sleep.

Waves of ice shoot through the air. Crashing into buildings and covering the area.

A eery laugh echoes through the alleyway, "Why is always the fake heroes who decide to stop me? You're all such a bother."

"Oh this guys good... creepy. But good."

"Shut it, you know why we're here."

"Yes boss."

-Y/n Pov-
"-n? Y/n? Y/N WAKE UP GIRL!"

I look over, "Mushu if someone's not dying, why are you waking me up?"

"By how much you're getting texted, someone might be," he yanks the pillow off my head.

"Alright. Alright! I'm up," I sit up and look at my phone. Did he just send his location? For what- I have been away from fighting for too long.

I jump up and grab my gloves and run out the door. I stop. Damnit.

Doing a defeated jog back into the agency, I sigh, "YUKUMI! KIOMI! IM GOING OUT," my voice lowers, "you can come if you would like..."

I hear footsteps running towards me and I run off. I send them the location and slip on some shoes. Time to run for a living.

-3rd Pov-
"I'll make you a bargain.... you join me, and I'll let your little hero friends survive. You are a true hero."

Before Midoriya could say anything, his attention snaps upwards, "What is-"

In the blink of an eye, Stain hits the floor, blood spills onto the floor.

Iida and Todoroki snaps their gaze up.

-Y/n Pov-
"Aw boys, don't tell me I'm late," I walk off the building and land on the floor, "oh by the way... whos this?"

I look down at the villain. I kick his side and look back at my classmates, "Are yall oka-"


I dodge a blade to the neck. Grasping my cut arm, I scoff, "These are my only good clothes."


I drop to the floor. What the- Why cant I move?

"...and you're paralyzed." The most I can do is move my eyes in Midoriya's direction. I'm such an idiot. I charged in here with no information. But that... that doesn't sound like me? So why did I do it?

I shift my gaze back to the villain.

He pulls a katana out of his chest and looks at me, "This is nice... mind if I take it?"

"WRONG PERSON TO ASK!" I know that voice.

Kiomi lands right in front of him, Yukumi following after. They both charge at, I really need to learn his name. Something with an 'S'.... Stain? Yeah that sounds right.

They both charge at Stain with their katanas drawn. Running up opposite wall they push off and aim for each side of his neck. He jumps back still clutching his chest.

The twins pivot on their feet and shoot at him again. Get up you idiot. Don't let them do all the work. Come on Y/n! COME ON GET UP!

-?????? Pov-
"Can we talk to her now? This is pitiful to watch...."

I flick him on the forehead, "Wait."

"But we've been waiting! I want to speak with her!!"

I look at idiot #2, "If anyones meeting her first you know it's going to be me. After all [REDACTED] over here already spoke with her and look what happened  at the festival. I'm the sensible one here."



___ closes her book at looks at me, "Liar."

"Yeah, ____'s right. In all honesty she's the most responsible one here," #3 cuts in. I plop down in my seat, "Hmph."

She gets up and walks over, "We should let anyone who already met with her go right now. That way it'll be gradual."

I furrow my brows, "Yeah... whatever."

He stands up and walks to my red mist, "Showtime boys!"

-3rd Pov-
A hysterical cackle leaks into the air. Iida snaps in the direction of Y/n. He pulls his classmates back as Stain tilts his head. The twins glance over as well. Their timid expression faltering for a bit, it gets taken over by regret.

Y/n reanimates, adjusting her limbs back into place and twisted her head around, "This is what I'm talking about! Give me all you got, and I'll make sure to tear you to pieces!"

"Guess you're blood must be special you hero scum," Stain spits.

Y/n throws herself back into laughter. Her head almost touching the floor as she extends her arms. She snaps back up and the laughter ceases.

"My blood? Special," she grins, "you have no idea."


Author J Out

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora