Pasta la Vista

730 37 11

"Wha.... Where am I?"

"Lady Y/n?" I look at Kiomi sitting beside me. Where am I? I'm.... I'm in bed? I'm supposed to be-

"Why am I here? Hasn't school started-" I look down at my arms, why are there chains on my- I'm tied up?

"What the hell are you doing!? Kiomi! Answer me. Now!"

"We had no choice.... once you got home you started to lash out, and we weren't able to stop you without knocking you out," she pauses, "Yukumi had to do it since he's the stronger of us two. He's in the next room, says he doesn't want to face you.... he also says he's sorry."

"He doesn't have to apologize! Just let me go.... I don't know what happened... I don't remember... Why don't I remember? Just let me go, I need to go," I say while pulling on the chains.

"O-Okay," she stutters. My heart drops. Kiomi.... you never stutter... not like that. What did I- What did I do?

She unties me and I stand up rubbing my wrist. "I have to go... see you guys later."

I realized that I'm still in the sports festival uniform. I grumble and put on my uniform. Opting for shorts instead of the impractical skirt, I walk out grabbing my bag and running to campus. Shit! Where's Mushu?

-3rd Pov-
As Midnight continues to accept or deny the numerous hero names, one thought it in everyone's heads.

Where is Y/n?

"Do you know where she could be?"

"Did something happen?"

"Being late isn't something she would do-"

As that statement spilled into the air, Y/n slid open the door.

"Sorry... I was uh, running on black people time. I'll make sure I'm never late again," she lies while bowing.

"It's alright sweetheart," Midnights begins, "you're strong, I like that. Head to your seat."

She walks over and sits down.

-Y/n Pov-
Iida places a board on my desk and says that I'm the next one up for the hero names. I don't necessarily think about it. I'm more focused on everything that happened this morning.

"All we have left is Bakugo who needs to rethink his, and Iida. Oh and Midoriya and L/n," Midnight says. I shrug and walk up,

The class sighs at seeing the board.

"Don't you think that's a little.... plain," Midnight says.

"I don't really care at the moment," I say. The board just shows my name on it. Todoroki seemed to have had the same idea and I walk back to my seat with a blank expression. What else would I have chosen?... oh right. That name.

Midoriya walks up next, I catch a small glimpse of his board. Why that name?

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah that could be your name forever."

"Right. I used to hate it but but then something changed, I guess someone taught me that it could have a different meaning. That had a huge impact on how I felt so, now I really like it. Deku, has to be my codename."

I give a small smile. He really has a way with words.... that's promising.

"Lord explosion murder."

"That's basically the same thing..."

"Now that everyone has come up with a hero name, it's back to talking about internships. They'll last for one week, as for those of you off the board will choose who you will be going with. Those of you who aren't, have a list of 40 agencies across the country who is willing to take students in your class. Turn in your choices before the weekend."

I get handed my sheet. Oh so that's what the numbers are.... why do I have 7,834 offers? This is going to be such a pain to sort through.

I look through the first couple. Endeavor? Absolutely not. Hawks.... eh. Hero Association? Genos.... eh. Who's that? Miruko? Who are all these other people? A lot of my offers are from this Hero Association place....

-Elsewhere (3rd pov)-
"Forgive me, but why can we not meet you in person," Yukumi says with a phone to his ear.  Kiomi watches the abnormal way he holds the phone. The finger tips of his pointer and middle fingers, along with his thumb hold the phone up. The rest of his fingers arranged curled inward.

Kioda L/n is on the other side of the line, "It would be too late. Now, explain in detail, what happened to my daughter."

Yukumi looks at his sister, she gets the hint and takes the phone.

Kiomi sits back on the couch and crosses her legs, "When we arrived, we saw Y/n... but she was different. You should know better than anyone, Y/n's not one to get that loud unless she has to. And even more than that, she was acting like... she was acting like him, moreover the aura was following her. During later rounds it began to flow around her opponent," she pauses and sighs, "I believe it was only the 3 of us that saw the aura... but I cant be sure."

A small hum is heard over the phone, "And the opponent after that? I'm sure that you said this happened more than once yes?"

"Mhm, after the round with a boy named Todoroki-"

"Todoroki? I know that.... oh no."

"Excuse me?"

"No, no it's fine. Continue please."

Kiomi nods, "After that round, she moved on the final round. In that round she seemed more of herself.... well until the end. It started with her zoning out, it was as if she was following something. After that, a repeat of before happened. Only this time it ended with her just becoming tired and hungry, not passing out."

Kioda hums once again, "Thank you, continue to take care of her as best as you can. I will try to be there as soon as I can. Although," he laughs slightly, "I'm sure it's nothing. There's no reason for her to be acting like this now."

They hang up and the twins look at each other. Yukumi walks over and whispers, "I believe it has begun....."

"It can't have... I thought we-" Kiomi gets cut off,

"You know just as well as I do, it has begun. We need to keep the lady under close protection, they are s-sure to come for her."

Kiomi gives a firm nod, "Alright. Let's do it."

Author J Out

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now