Bed Side Manners

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-Y/n Pov-
My head throbs, snapping back into reality with lights blaring in my eyes.

I pull the white sheets off my body and glance around the blinding room. White walls, white sheets, white bed, white chair, white clothes, everything was the same.

I look down at my body, what is in my arm? What the hell? I rip out the tube, my eyes focusing on the beeping machine in front of me. A green line going up and down, and up and down, and up.... and then it stops.

An alarm sounds. I reach for something, anything I could use as a weapon. Where the hell am I?!

I find a pen, this'll do.

The door bursts open and people in light blue clothes run in, I back up, "WHERE AM I?!"

"Ms. L/n I'm going to need you to-"

I put one of them into a headlock, the pen pressed dangerously close to their throat.

"We have a unruly patient on the lose," another says into a device of some sort.

I chuck the pen at it, piercing the object through its center, "Where am I? I won't ask again."

"Oh shit- L/N! Leave these people alone!" The familiar voice knocks back into my senses as I turn around to find Aizawa in the doorway.

"You know these people," I gesture towards the frightened one in the corner, "what the fuck is going on here?!"

"You're in a hospital," Aizawa says, "these are doctors. Put them down."

My grip loosens, "Hospital? What is that??"

"Wait wait so let me get this straight," I pause, collecting my thoughts, "you have buildings... dedicated to fixing people?"

"Well that's an odd way to put it but, yes technically," Aizawa says. I nod and turn around to face the "doctors" in the room.

"I do apologize for my behavior," I bow, "please forgive me."

"Oh no worries," an older woman steps forward, "in all my years, that was the least of my problems." I give a small smile and sit back on the bed provided.

"Well Ms. L/n," she continues, "on your report it says you have.... 3 fractured ribs, contusions on your left leg and slight bruising around your wrist?" Her confused look switches to a "nurse" in the room, "Are you sure this is correct?"

The nurse nods, taking a look at the clipboard, "This is what we saw as soon as she came in." He looks at me and back the clipboard then back at me, "Ms. L/n do you have a healing quirk?"

"I don't have any q-"

"No. She doesn't," Aizawa cuts me off.

"Uh," the nurse looks over the paperwork, "well uh.. It is possible that another quirk could have come into play."

"But I don't have any quirks-"

Aizawa glances at me, a look that purely says to 'Shut. Up.' I get the hint, "-like that. I don't have any quirks like that so what else could it be?"

"We could run some test," the nurse suggest.

-???? Pov-

-Y/n Pov-

"Excuse me," the doctor looks over.

Did I say that? What? What is going on?

"I need some air," I deadpan, "I'll be right back."

"Ms. L/n we need to-"

"I need some air. I'll be right back."

My voice comes out the same, almost like a recording of what I said before. It doesn't sound like me, it's not me. It can't be. That's not me. It not. It can't be. It's not my voice. It's someone else's. That's not me. It's someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. Its someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else. Its someone else. It's someone else. It's someone else.

I'm scared.

I walk out the door, the sound of my footsteps have never been so loud. Everyone's talking, all their conversations blasting in my ear at the same time. It's too much. Everyone talks different, too many voices. They all speak about opposite topics, but it blends together until it's just one giant voice yelling at me. I need some air. I'll be right back.

-??? Pov-
"What's going on," they ask.

"We didn't properly separate," I realize, "oh no..."

Author J Out

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