Closer and Closer

503 32 4

-3rd Pov-
Stain grips his blade tighter and points it at Y/n, "Your move."

She grins and grabs the katana stuck in the building. She rips it out and strokes its blade, "You'll regret that."

She charges at him, holding her katana at her side. The twins react fast, pulling their katanas away from Stain and running to Iida and counterparts.

Kiomi grabs Iida and Native while, Yukumi grabs Todoroki and Midoriya. They run up the building, silently cursing their stupidity.

"HEY HEY HEY! FIGHT BACK!" Everyone's eyes snap back to the scene.

What they see shakes them to their core.

A broken Stain and a malicious Y/n pointing a blade at his throat. Her smile sends shiver up their spines.

"What happened to-"

"How did we miss-"

They make it to the top of the building and the twins throw the students up. Jumping back off themselves, they toss their weapons and run towards her.

"Don't get me wrong," Y/n steps around him, keeping the blade pointed, "your whole 'evil heroes need to be killed' thing... I'm not exactly opposed to it," the blade pierces his skin, "but you fucked with the wrong body."

"NO!" Kiomi restrains Y/n and pulls her back causing her blade to drop to the floor. Yukumi knocks out Stain and runs over.

"LET ME GO YOU IDIOTS," Y/n growls pulling away from the girl.

"Yuku... a little help," Kiomi mumbles.

"O-Oh... right!" He grabs Y/n's free arm restrains it, "My lady.... this isn't you, come on we all know that. This hasn't been you since the Sports Festival."

-????? Pov-
"Somebody go get them out," they mumble. I scoff and walk over. Do this do that... I'm the only that can do it, such a pain.

The red mist forms once more, I pull back and mumble to myself.

"Get out you imbecile!"

I glance over at the unwanted help, "Shut up."

-3rd pov-
Y/n eyes widen and her body goes still. Her once murderous grin gets washed over with a soft gaze,

"Wh- What happened?"

-Y/n Pov-
Yukumi let's go of my arm, his sister following.

I stand up and lean onto the wall for support, "Where is everyone?" My gaze shift over to Stain, it happened again....

-3rd Pov-
The pros arrive shortly after to see Y/n slouched against a wall with her head rested on her knee. Stain's passed out body laying next to her. The katana stabbed into his arm.

Endeavor voices his opinion first, "Who allowed this child to-"

"Shut up."

"-What did you say?! You're the one who killed him! Don't disrespect-"

Y/n looks up with a blank glare, "Shut up."

He stomps over to her, "That is no way to talk to a pro hero, child," his hand reaches for her head, "Watch your mo-"

"Do not-" His arms gets pulled back and his body slammed to the floor.

"Touch her," Yukumi finishes while looking down at the much bigger man. He digs his heel into Endeavor's back.


-Y/n Pov-
Oh. There he goes.

I watch as Stain takes down the nomu attacking Midoriya. Clutching his side and leaning against the wall.

"Fa- Fake heroes...."

Oh brother....

As the heroes all crowd around listening to Stain rant about hero society, my gaze stays fixated on the floor.

Not that I could move it.

I was in fact.... stuck. This is a load of bullshit.

I close my eyes and slowly lean over, falling to the floor. I'm so... sleepy...

-???? Pov-

I watch as the two fight on the side.

"I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD TAKE THAT MUCH," they scoff, "thought the heir would be stronger than that."

"To be fair," I begin, "all the others were trained for this. Cut her some slack, she's been able to handle you pretty well."

They scoff once more, "Yeah yeah, whatever. I just don't want to get stuck with another weak ass like last time."

I shake my head and rest my cheek on my palm, "I don't think she'll be bad. Her head is in the right place. It's the heart I'm not certain of."

I direct my gaze back at her sleeping body, wake up soon. We need to talk.

My eyes narrow, looking at the red mist. Why is it wh- That's promising.

I cover her in the mist as an adult carried her away. Hm.

I leave the group for a moment, following behind her. My feet drag against the floor. Pulling away as they walk into the hospital. But she's fine. There are no injuries. I look up at the tall building,


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