In My Head

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"Are ya ready?! Are ya ready!!" I look down at Mushu, "Shush, of course I'm ready." I sit back in my seat, fiddling with my fingers in anticipation for this fight. Midoriya's going to destroy himself in this fight no doubt. But Todoroki?..... I wonder what he'll do. Having a fire and ice quirk, damn that's gotta come in handy. How lucky can you be, to get the two opposites, knowing how to control both and harness it together.... that's an amazing power. How much can luck play into it?

"You're doing it again."

I get snapped out of my thoughts by Mushu. "Doing what?"

"Analyzing everything," he pokes me in the forehead, "just watch the fight. You going back into mission mode." I scoff, "Not my fault I was trained like that. It helps me calm down, knowing how things will play out."

"Yeah yeah, just watch it. You get to into it, and then end up getting bored." I hum to myself, forming a small pout, he's right.

"It's the first match of the second round. These two heroes in training have been front runners of the festival! It's Midoriya versus Todoroki! But which of these rivals will advance to the second round? Begin!!!"

To no surprise, Todoroki sends out the first attack. The unexpected thing was Midoriya blowing the attack away, keep your attacks to yourself.... I spent hours trying to do my hair for this. You know how hard this is to do when all my combs are so weak?!?

It seems Todoroki knows what I figured as well. React fast, don't give him a break. All your attacks must give your all, your opponent is very strong as well.

My eyes widen slightly at Midoriya's array of broken fingers. My hands grip tighter around my pant leg.

"That's... uh... that's pretty gruesome eh Mushu?"

"Nothing a great dragon cant handle," he boasts. "Yeah alright," I wave off the statement.

I hear the boys behind me compliment Bakugo and Todoroki on their flashy quirks.

"It's not as easy as you think you morons. If you overuse your muscles, you risk tearing them apart. If you sprint too much, you run out of air. Quirks are physical abilities too. They can get worn out too, you can't just use them nonstop."

I hum and throw my head back to look at the males,

"Blasty's right.... even the most powerful quirks have a limit. I mean look at Midoriya, he can cause that much of an attack with a simple flick or punch, but look at how much it damages him as well."

Sero nods, "She's right."

I look back at the match continuing to speak, "So, when put in extreme temperatures.... what would happen?"

I see Sero shiver at the memory, "You get frostbite."

"Mhm. Now as far as I can tell, almost everyone is built for their quirk, it's apart of them. Now imagine having a quirk like Todoroki, and not using his other half to warm himself up."

"He can freeze over!"

I nod, "Ding ding ding. If Midoriya wanted to win, you can hold out long enough for Todoroki to eventually freeze himself." Midoriya, can you unlock his true potential? I sound like my father..... pity.

As the fight persist, Todoroki stays on the offensive, nearly getting blown away from Midoriya's attacks. The fight continues being intense. Neither side giving up.

Listening closely, I can hear Midoriya egging him on. Be prepared for the consequences of that.

Todoroki gets slower each time he uses his ice. Midoriya's fingers only become more damaged. Come on come on! I can see the hero like look on his face, wanting to save everyone! Just get it out.

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now