Gaining Friends

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(just to clarify...the Kohanka civilization is like Wakanda if that makes sense, world forgets they exist. But super powerful and advanced. The samurai are basically the leaders)

(y/n pov)

"So what are you guys doing here?" I look at my classmates as Shinsou and the twins walk away. "OI DUMBASS WHAT WERE YOU DOING HERE!?" I look at the boy, "Training." He 'tches', "If you're so good then why do you have to train eh?!" I sigh, "No matter how 'good' I am, there is always room for improvement." He 'tches' and I walk to go sit down. "Come here," I say. "Huh?" I look at my classmates and pat the ground next to me, "Sit." They walk over and sit next to me. "So, what questions do you have?" "How did you-" I look at the red haired boy. "Everyone has question, just go ahead and ask. Oh, say names first though."

"Mina Ashido, where are you from?" I looked at Mina, and she blushed, "Wait don't answer that! You're from Kohanka, Japan right?" I smiled and nodded. "MY TURN! Denki Kaminari, if you never use your katana, why did you use one out there?" I look at Kiomi's katana and pick it up, "This is not mine, it is Kiomi's." They all admire the work on the blade. "A samurai's blade is a special thing. They are all crafted specially for each samurai," I say. I place the katana as the twins walk back over.

"The boy left and he told you he will see you tomorrow lady y/n," Kiomi said. I nodded, "Are you guys going to head home?" They nodded and I dismissed them. "WAIT! Leave the Katana," I say. Yukumi nods and places it on the ground. They walk always and I turned back to my classmates as they continue their questions. I learn everyone's name and their quirks.

I get up and bow, "I hope we can all be friends." They all accept, in their own ways.

"I'm going to go back and train, if you would like, you can watch," I say.

Denki and Mina look happy and watch. I walk over to the wall from before. I take out my tech from before and place it on my wrist.

"Woah! What's that?!"

I turned to the group and speak, "Tech, developed by our most advanced inventors."

It glows a bright purple and begins to cover my hands. It forms a glove and I place my hand on the wall. I mark where I want to hit and I punch the wall.

I huge crater is formed and I swipe my hands over it. The pieces come back together and I repeat the process until my arm becomes tired.

I look at my classmates who seem to be watching intently.

I walk over to a nearby tree and pick up Yukumi's katana and throw it up in the air. I catch it and practice my blade work on the tree.

The tree has a bunch of cuts on it and I kneel next to it.

For the rest of the time my classmates and I train together.

As the sun sets I say my goodbyes and walk home.

Author J out

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