One in the Same

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I lean back in my seat as both Bakugo and Uraraka enter. The outcome is obvious, but I'm not watching for that.... I'm watching for the fight itself. I couldn't care less about the outcome. Uraraka I'm putting faith in you, don't let me down. I don't like being wrong.

Uraraka walks out, Tsu comments on the absurd fight ahead of us,

"Ribbit, this might be the most disturbing matchup."

Jiro rubs her temples, "I know, I almost don't want to watch it."

At her last word I open my eyes, I know who's going to win..... but how will you make it there? How much of a fight will your opponent put up?

I hear Midoriya talk with Iida and I give my opinion,

"We know one thing and one thing certain about Bakugo...." That catches their attention as Iida urges me to continue.

"He doesn't care who you are, exceptions being if you're Midoriya. And he hates to lose. Coming from me, a person who couldn't care less about who my opponent is and hates to lose. As long as Uraraka is standing, he won't stop attacking her with his full power. He's not going to hold back."

"How do you-" I cut Iida off.

"It's just a guess," I say while crossing my arms, "but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm right. It may not seem like it but I honestly relate to the boy, well in some ways." And with that I continue to watch the fight leaving them clueless about what I meant.

As the match is started, Uraraka is blasted almost immediately. She attempts to use a decoy and trick him only for her to go flying anyways. He's fast, that's promising.

"Look at the reaction time!"

"Seriously. That dude's insane. You can't get the drop on him."

I hope she able to recover quickly, this is only the beginning.

Jiro covers her eyes, "I cant watch this anymore!" The fight has only gotten started why is everyone so out of it already? Mushu looks up at me as though he heard my thoughts. "Y/n you gotta remember, this people are only in training. They haven't seen what you've seen," he whispers. I nod realizing what he said is true.

The explosions continue, Uraraka charges at Bakugo relentlessly. And then I notice something. He's firing explosions... there should be a lot more rubble- oh so that's what she's planning.

The crowd doesn't notice it and from what they see the girl is pitiful.

"Hey shouldn't someone stop the match?"

"Isn't this going a little too far?"

One hero points out that Bakugo's actions aren't quite hero-like. The crowd starts to 'boo' him, I pinch my temples. At the moment I'm frustrated and annoyed. Not showing traits of a hero? Are you calling him a villain? If anything he's the most heroic one here, going full out no matter what. Pushing yourself as well as your opponent.... you all are just weaklings who assume you have to be nice to be a hero. If he simply didn't try his hardest because Uraraka is a girl that would be more villain like than anything.

Aizawa's explanation of why Bakugo is fighting like how he is only cements my thoughts. I look at the heroes in the stands, "You're all assholes. Just hope you know that." My classmates look at me in shock, not expecting me to say something like that. The heroes are even more shocked.

The match continues with just as much power as before. Uraraka releases her quirk, the debris falls at a dangerous speed. Midoriya's eyes widen,

"She had a plan all along!" Well that much was obvious, it would be stupid to go anywhere without a plan.

And then my eyes widen. I see a familiar expression on Bakugo's face. A small glare along with a glint of determination. Not just any determination....

At that moment I realize how wrong I was before. How utterly stupid I was to think that, I know that look..... it's my look. Uraraka never had a chance....

Bakugo's will to win is stronger than most, probably one of the strongest. And in one shot, the debris is destroyed. A gust of wind is shot through the crowd and Mushu grabs onto my shirt to avoid going flying. As Uraraka comes into sight, she's back on the ground unable to move.

"It was too much."

"She's way past her limit."

Bakugo keeps his guard up and Midnignt calls a KO making him the winner.

I only realized I was on the edge of my seat when I leaned back. I look back down at the fight, I was wrong?.....

As Bakugo makes his way back to the seats, Sero is the first to say something,

"Hey Bakugo! Playin' the villain huh? Must've been tough."

"Even if it was because of who you were up against, you did make a pretty convincing bad guy ribbit."

"Shut up idiots! Or else!"

Denki decides to speak up next,

"For real dude! I didn't know you were able to aim such a powerful blast at a frail girl like that, I just had to hold back against Y/n," he lies. I hum, "Is that so?"

"Yeah, I mean!.... If I were to use my full power you wouldn't have been able to handle me," he exclaims. I nod, "Well guess that means I'll just have to work harder, so that you can use your 'full power' correct?"

"Ribbit, Y/n will completely overpower you Kaminari," Tsu says and I snicker.

"Can you just let me have this?!"

Mushu pokes him on the forehead, "You barely had time to use your quirk! Much less have time to hold back you dimwit."

"Y/n your dragon is mean," Denki exclaims rubbing his forehead. My classmates laugh at him while I hear Bakugo make a statement,

"Tch. I definitely wouldn't call that girl 'frail.'"

I smile softly as look down at Mushu, "Number one?" He nods and I make a note in my mind.

Kirishima and the student from 1-B continue their arm wrestling match. Kirishima ends up wining and I sigh in my seat. After the next match I'm up against Midoriya or Todoroki. Both being in my top three, am I ready? I smile to myself as I feel my competitive spirit come back.

Are they ready?

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