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"Lady y/n it is only 2 more minutes." I was currently slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Kiomi was walking in front of us. After we left the cafe yesterday Shinsou and I exchanged numbers. Turns out he goes to UA too. When we left I had to train and let me tell you, I have never wanted to collapse so much. Now since I'm sore, I'm being carried to school.

  We walked into UA and I was place in my seat. "Thanks Yukumi," I said stretching. "Are we dismissed?" I smiled at Kiomi, "Yes you can go if you please." They waved by and walked back home. I made sure to leave in our communication systems so we can talk during school hours since Yukumi gets anxious. They rest of the class walked in and Aizawa stood wrapped in bandages from the accident before I came. He started talking about the sports festival and I listened. I wonder what Kiomi's doing. I'm bored. I listened more or less.

  As we walked out of class everyone stopped. There was a crowd. "What's happening?" "They're scoping out the competition of course, these jackasses want to see the class that actually survived a villain attack," Bakugo says. I sigh and begin to walk away when someone speaks. "Wow you guys really are as arrogant as expected." I walk to the middle of the group. "We are far more than scoping out the competition, did you know that after the sports festival 1-B students can move to 1-A, do you know what that means? It means that if you slip up we can take your spots and you will be dropped from the hero course," I walk to the front, "consider this a declaration of war." "INSOMNIAC!" "Oh you're in this class?" I nod. "That's a shame," he pauses, "Anyway, come on." I smile and walk over.  "Y/n w-where are you going?" I look at the boy, "I have friends, Midoriya." I walk off and smile.

  We walk outside to a nearby tree. "Where's the other two?" I look at him, "You sure do ask a lot of questions, and they're at the house." He nods and we go to eat lunch. He's basically sitting by himself so I decide to sit with him. "You know I normally wouldnt keep people around this long," I say. He gives out a small laugh, "Me either." We eat and I notice people staring at me. "I know I'm pretty but damn y'all don't gotta stare that hard!" Shinsou chokes on rice and I laugh.

School ends as normal and I walk home. I pull out my tech and slap it on my wrist and feet. The tech moves and adjust. What? The Kohanka may be old but, we have good tech. I open up the map on my phone and run. Fast as hell, if I do say so myself. I approach the building and smile. I run up the building and jump, landing on the roof. I pull up my mask and metal form around my vital spots. "Hey boys," I say. I take out two throwing knives. Two men turn to me with their katanas unsheathed. "The lady was not supposed to be here," one of the guys whispers. "Well I am, now what made you think you could get away with stealing hm, I'm all ears," I say. They turn around and run. "Poor choice." I throw the knives and it hits their necks. They drop to the floor and I carry them to the woods.

"Rest," I say. I finish the grave and go home. Rogue samurai, always a bother. "Yo, KIOMI! YUKUMI!" They walk out their rooms. "Lady y/n," Yukumi bows. "Yukumi you don't have to do that," I say placing my stuff on the counter. "You get them?" "Yeah," I say talking to Kiomi.

I walk to my room and text my insomniac friend.

Y/n 🥸🙄
Yo, come over I wanna test something

How do you know I'm not busy

You're not now come on

Fine I'll be over in 10

I place my phone down and go take a shower. I finish and change into some clothes.

The Way of the Samurai (Black reader x bnha) HiatusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt