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Mia sighed as she and Maya got back to malfoy manor

"are you sure it's safe for you to be back, you ran off with Harry I mean"

"we had a fight. He was getting to close with hermione and I didn't like it. I couldn't cope so I can back. I don't know where he is so no one can find out. As far as anyone knows I wasn't running with him either. Mother made it seem as if I was at home still. Now what is going on with you, I know you and I know you and I know that their is something going on with you and you know that you can tell me anything" Maya said as Mia looked to her little sister and smiled

"I'm pregnant, it's his and he doesn't know if he can be a father and I feel trapped" Mia said as Maya looked to her sister and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"it's going to be okay, I know your scared and I don't know what your going to do but Severus will step up.I know he will he won't get you in trouble and leave you to deal with it by yourself" Maya said as Mia and mamma walked into the lounge and looked horrified as they saw narcissa on top of Lucius

"oh my god" Mia said as she walked back out of the room horrified of what she walked in on her parents doing

Mia sighed to herself as she got back to hogwarts as she saw Severus as he walked over to her

"we need to talk" he said as she nodded, she followed him to his office and sighed as she walked inside, neither of them said a word as they held a look

"I know I messed up and I got you pregnant and I am sorry but we will deal with this together" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes

"how, how do you plan we do that. I can't look pregnant your little spy's will grass to the dark lord" she said as he nodded

"then I'll keep you safe. It will look like you left and went home, you'll do all your classes here and stay here and I'll bring your brother and sister to see you here, I won't let anyone hurt you. I am not happy about getting you pregnant as I don't want to risk your life but I will do what I have to keep you safe, I promise" Severus said as Mia wiped away the tears from her eyes and nodded

Mia knew it was messy and how scared that she was but she knew it was the only choice she had. Hogwarts was safer for her than the manor right now and she had to stay safe no matter what

Mia looked as Maya walked into the office and looked to her sister "are you sure that this is what you want" Maya asked as Mia sighed

"not really but what choice do I have Maya, if anyone finds out I am as good as dead and this I am t best option" Mia said as Maya walked over to her and hugged her and smiled

"I know it's hard but it will be okay I promise" Maya said as Mia smiled. Mia felt like nothing was going to be okay and it would only be so long before the dark lord discovered the truth and tried to kill her

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