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Mia sat in her dorm and sighed. She looked to Narcissa who sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her pillow o her chest. She brushed her hair out of her face "I'm fine" Mia said as Narcissa sighed "no you're not, I know you Mia and I know when there is something is up. I want to protect you, I am your mother. I am here to protect you" Narcissa said as a tear rolled down her face. She sighed and looked to Narcissa sighed "I will always protect you" Narcissa said as Mia sighed. She ran her hand through her hair as she looked to Narcissa and sighed "I don’t know what to do, I feel as if I am going crazy, the same four walls in and out, I hate it" Mia said as Narcissa walked over to her and wrapped her arm around her and pulled her close. She kissed her on top of the head "you are my baby, I will always protect you" she said as Mia started to cry. Mia knew that everything was getting mad, she knew that it was getting too much for her, she was trying to be there for Maya and wasn’t there for herself. She knew that the whole thing she had with snape was getting to her, he made her feel so crappy after sleeping with him. She knew that he had treated her like crap and she hated it.

Mia as Narcissa started to pack her stuff into a case. She looked to Mai and smiled "what are you doing?" Mia asked as Narcissa smiled "taking you home, I'm worried about you, even your father is and we need to get you home and make sure that you're okay" Narcissa said as Mia nodded. She knew that it was for the best that she went home for a bit and cleared her head.


Maya and Draco stood in the common room as Narcissa stood with mia, she had just told her other two children that Mia was leaving for a while and Maya was slowly freaking out about it. She was scared, she was scared over everything with Snape. She was scared that he would try and seduce her. She was scared that he would try and hurt her. "but...I'll be here alone" Maya said as Mia looked to her and frowned. She could tell that Maya was scared of being alone "maybe she could come back with us?" Mia said as Narcissa looked to Maya and sighed "do you want to? Only for a few weeks then back to school, I'm not sure other mia though" she said to Maya nodded.

The Malfoy sister got back to the Manor. Lucius hugged his youngest daughter while Mia walked past her and he sighed. Mia was never like that, she was a complete daddy's girl and never ignored him. He looked to his wife and they shared the same expression, they were both worried over Mia and they were both worried over the prophecy. The prophecy that they had promised to keep secret. The one that had been made not long after Mia was born and the one that involved Mia nad Severus Snape.


Mia sat in her room when Maya walked in. She looked to her sister and smiled "you've been sleeping a lot, mi, I'm worried about you, I don’t like seeing you like this" Maya said as Mia rolled over to her and looked to her sister and smiled "I'm sorry" Mia said as Maya looked to her and smiled "its okay, I just want my sister back. Look ill go and get you a hot chocolate okay?" Maya said as Mia nodded. Maya walked through the manor and froze as she heard Narcissa and Lucius arguing "mia can't know Lucius" Narcissa said "I know, we said it fifteen years ago, but what are we going to do, the prophecy is about her, she has a right to know" "I'm protecting her" Narcissa said as lucius sighed "she needs to know mia is bound to be with Severus Snape as much as we hate it" Lucius said as Maya stood by the wall shocked over the secrets her parents was hiding from her sister.

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