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Mia sighed as she walked through the halls of the dungeons. Her head was a mess and she couldn't think straight. She couldn't believe that snape had gotten her pregnant and Mia has no idea what she was going to do. Mia knew that it wasn't going to end well and knew that once her family found out hay they would kick off especially Lucius. Mia sighed as she walked down the hall and frowned as she saw snape. She hide behind a wall and sighed to herself. She knew that she was acting childish and knew that she shouldn't be avoiding him but she also knew that she couldn't face him. She couldn't talk to anyone about what was going on she was feeling scared and didn't know what to do. Mia sighed as she headed back towards the common room and frowned as her arms was grabbed and looked to see snape. She looked to him and frowned.

"Miss malfoy? Have you been avoiding me" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "and why would I do that" she asked "you tell me" he said as she looked to him and sighed "just leave me alone" she said as she went to walk away as he grabbed her and pulled her close as she held her breathe as she felt the tension between them. She knew that she wanted him but she couldn't "you really want to know" she asked as he nodded "I'm pregnant and before you ask yes it's yours" Mia spat as she pulled sway from him as he stood there in shock for a moment before he caught up to her and looked to her "what are you going to do, this could ruin me" he said as Mia rolled her eyes "I don't know and ruining you is the last thing on my mind, I need some time" Mia said


Later that day, Mia sat in the common room as Draco and maya walked in. They frowned as they looked to Mia "I'll talk to her" maya said as she walked over to Mia and smiled "hey, are you okay" she asked as Mia nodded "Mia I know when something is upsetting you" many's said as Mia looked to her and smiled. She could feel the tears in her eyes "I'm pregnant"  Mia said as maya looked to her sister shocked and sighed "snape" she asked as Mia nodded "its going to be okay" maya said as she hugged Mia not knowing how she could cover for Mia this time.


Later that day, Mia walked through the school and sighed as she walked towards the grand staircase and frowned as she saw Narcissa who was with dumbledore. Mia tried to walk off and act as if she didn't see her as she heard Narcissa call her "Mia Narcissa malfoy, where are you going" she asked as Mia sighed and turned to face her "lunch" Mia said as Narcissa walked over to her and looked to her for a moment and sighed "we need to talk" she said as Mia frowned. But had maya really told Narcissa that she was pregnant

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