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Mia stood in the dungeons, she had managed to sneak her way back into hogwarts,

Mia knew that narcissa had hid her away to protect her and her baby but Mia knew that she was going mad in that cottage on her own and she missed her family and she missed Maya.

Mia pulled her hood over her head and she sneaked into the slytherin common room. She was glad that it was late and not many people were around, Mia managed to sneak into Maya dorm and glanced around seeing no one was there. Mia placed a silencing charm and a lock charm in the door, she didn't want anyone to hear them or find her.

Mia looked to Maya as she lay asleep and walked over to her and woke her up. Maya groaned half asleep and looked to her and frowned

"Mia" Maya said as she shot out of bed and hugged her, Mia smiled herself as she hugged her sister back

"what are you doing here" Maya asked as Mia smiled

"I wanted to see my sister and see how you were I missed you and I was going crazy where I was"

"your not back are you, not fully" Maya asked

"Not yet it's too dangerous" Mia said as she placed a hand on her bump and sighed

Mia had soon managed to sneak into Severus chambers. It wasn't easy it was the most busy part of the castle and their were the carrows who were guarding the way.

Maya had helped her in. Mia glanced around at the empty office and sighed, she looked to see a file on the side and it was her student file and smirked as she heard the sound of someone apparating and looking to see Severus and smiled

"what the hell are you doing here" he asked as she rolled her eyes

"nice to see you too, is that how you speak to the mother of you child" she asked as he glared "yes when she is in an idiot trying to get herself killed why are you here" he asked as she sighed

"I couldn't do it okay. I couldn't sit there I was going mad and I wanted to see you I guess I was stupid to think you'd want to see me too. I'll just go" Mia said as he grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall

"you are going no where it's too dangerous" Severus said as she liked to him and smirked as he leant in and kissed her. Mia ran her had us through his hair as the kiss got more passionate.

He picked her up and lead her over to his bed as he dropped her on it and smirked as they stripped off, he pulled her close and climbed on top of her as he pulled her to him and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

Narcissa got to the cottage That Mia was staying at

"Mia where are you" narcissa called. She frowned as she was greeted with silence as she frowned to her sled. She didn't lie the feeling that she was getting.

Narcissa started to look around and cursed to herself as she realised that she couldn't find Mia and that she was gone but could she find out where Mia was and was she save at hogwarts

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