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Mia groaned as and stood in the office. She looked to see the door open as narcissa walked in. Mia groaned as she get a contraction hit her. There was a war and she was scared

"Darling" narcissa said as she walked over to her daughter as she yelled out in pain

"I can't do this mother. You know There is a full on war going on out there. I can't do this. Severus could be dead and I can't" she sobbed.

Narcissa walked cover to her and rubbed her back and smiled

"I know but this baby is coming. You are having this baby like it or not" Narcissa said. She could feel the tears roll down her face

Mia knew how scared that she was and how she wanted Severus to be here but she knew how time was running out for him and she knew how he could be dead

"I know how hard it is. But maya has gone to see if she can find him and trust me. She is save and she will be okay. But right now you need to focus on this baby and giving birth to her" narcissa said

Mia screamed out in pain as she bite down in her lip and screamed. She knew that this baby was coming and that there was nothing that she could do about it. Mia had no idea if she was ready

Maya walked down to the boat house. She needed to find Severus. She knew that the dark lord was after him and she knew that it was Lucky that she would find him

She frowned as she saw the dark lord and gods as she heard talking

"You killed dumbledore"

"The wand answer to you and to you only" Severus said as maya saw Harry. The two of them held a look for a moment

"While you live. The elder wand can never truly be mine. You have been a good and faithful servant but only I can live forever"

"My lord.."

The sound of his throat being cut was heard. Maya felt sick. Not only for herself but for Mia.

"Nagini kill" the dark lord said as maya rested her head back as she looked as the snake attacked him before they were gone

Maya walked into the boat house with Harry, Ron and hermione as she bend down in front of him. The man that her sister loved so much

"Take them. Take them to the pensive" Severus said as the tears rolled down his face

"Tell Mia I'm sorry" he said

"No. She needs you the baby" maya said

Mia groaned as she pushed one more time as the baby was placed on her chest. Narcissa looked to her daughter as she cradled in infect and smiled

"She's beautiful. Just like you" narcissa said as mia smiled

"Have you got a name for her?"

"Luena" Mia said as maya walked into the room and looked to them and paled

"What is it? What happened?" Narcissa asked as she looked to her youngest daughter

"Something happened"

"What is it" Mia asked

"Severus...he's dead"

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now