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Mia sighed as she sat in the great hall. Maya took a seat opposite her ad frowned "what's up with you, you've been off for weeks, come on mia its almost Christmas and that's your favourite time of year" Maya said as Snape walked into the hall. Mia looked to him and they held eye contact. Mia looked away and to Maya "its just there O.W.L.S as well as umbridge its all getting to me" Mia said as she looked Mayas hand, Mia frowned and grabbed Mayas hand "what the hell did the fat ugly, pink toad do to you?" mia asked. She could feel her blood boil as you looked to the 'I am a blood traitor' that was written into her skin "nothing" Maya said as mia raised an eye brow at her "do I need to call mum?" mia asked "funny, I was going to ask you the same thing" Maya said as mia frowned "i don't know what you mean" mia said as Maya sighed "i am not stupid mia, I may be a year younger than you put I know that something is off with you, draco has even said so, mum will get it out of you, no matter what it is" Maya said "mum cant know" mia said as she played with the bacon on her fork. Maya frowned as she looked to her "know what?" "that...its nothing, okay, just don't call mu ,she will hate me" mia said as she held eye contact with Snape once more before she stood up and stormed out of the hall.

Mia walked through the hall as her back hit the wall. She looked to see Snape and glared at him "get your slimey hands off of me" mia spat as he smirked slightly "funny you weren't saying that the other month" he said as she pushed him away from her "that was a mistake" "a mistake? it was more than once that night mia and you know it" he said "yeah, It was I was careless and stupid and slept with you, and no one can find out" mia said "your sister is worried about you, she wants to call your mother in. Maybe I should of it" snipe said "go ahead, see if I care and when she asks me what's wrong and she will I will tell her that, not only did the friend of my father, the ever so professional, professor Snape sleep with me, he slept with my fourteen little sister. How do you think she will react, she will ruin you" Mia said "you wouldn't" Snape said as mia smirked "try me" she said as she walked off.

Mia walked out into the courtyard, it was empty. She frowned as she spotted Maya and harry, looking cosy. Very cosy "Maya?" mia called as harry and may jumped apart slightly. "what happened here?" mia asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. She could see how embarrassed that Maya was that she had been caught almost kissing harry. "i was telling harry, you know how father says im being betrothed to the dark lord" Maya said as mia smiled "i told you, I wont let it happen. I will sort it, maybe we can talk to Sirius about it, I know we said we wouldn't go other mothers head, but we need someone on the orders side" Mia said "i will, harry said hed help em, you have enough to worry about" Maya said as mia frowned "what do you mean?" mia asked "turn around" Maya said.

Mia turned to see narcissa, she glanced back at Maya "you called her here?" "i was worried" Maya said as mia sighed to herself as narcissa walked over to her oldest daughter "i hear me and you need to talk? come on" narcissa said as mia sighed to herself, knowing she couldn't lie to her mother and knowing she couldn't tell her what had happened between herself and Snape.

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