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Mia sighed as she glared at the school "shut up stuck up cow, with her posh school and rules" mia mumbled to herself as she spotted her father, Lucius Malfoy standing outside of the school. Mia sighed, she secretly hoped that it would be her mum coming to pick her up. Mia walked over to him "i though mum was picking me up?" mia asked Lucius as he grabbed her bag "she had took take your brother and sister to diagon alley" Lucius said and mia nodded. "come on, take my arm" Lucius said and mia nodded as she took his arm as he apparited them back home. "when your mother returns, she wants to speak to you" Lucius said "yes father" mia said as she walked up to her bedroom and lay on her bed, she sighed, she was glad that she didn't have to go to beauxbaton academy anymore, but she knew that she would more than likely be transferred to Hogwarts where her twin brother went. Mia knew that her younger sister Maya was starting there too, Mia knew that her mother would want her closer, especially with the war starting soon. Mia Lay on her bed as her younger sister and her mother, narcissa walked in. Mia stood up form the bed as Maya ran over to her "i missed you" Maya said and Mia smiled as she hugged maya "i missed you too" mia said as she smiled, she had missed her family and she didn't even realise how much she had missed them until she had gotten home. She even missed draco "wheres draco?" mia asked "hes with blaise" narcissa said and mia nodded.

 "Maya, can you give mia and I a minute?" narcissa asked and maya frowned as she looked to mia "its fine" mia said as maya smiled and walked out. Narcissa turned to look at Mia and crossed her arms over her chest "care to explain?" "it was a prank mum, I was bored" mia said "you set fire to their headmistresses office" narcissa said and mia smirked "don't smirk mia Malfoy, you got expelled for it" narcissa said "so? that school was a load of crap and you know it mum" mia said and narcissa sighed "well I suppose this is a benefit, you can start Hogwarts with your brother and sister" narcissa said and mia frowned "with draco? merlin kill me now" mia said "hes not that bad, hes your twin" "exactly, and hes been there for five years ill be the fifth year that has to start" mia said "you are going, besides you can keep an eye out on Maya, keep her out of trouble" narcissa said and mia rolled her eyes "you do realise who your talking to right?" "yes, and I need you to act more responsible, please mia for me" narcissa asked and mia smiled "im not promising" mia said.


Mia walked out of her bedroom in the manner and down into the kitchen, she spotted her twin brother and rolled her eyes at him "look what the cat brought in" draco said "hmm...I could say the same thing, besides you have me for good now" mia said as maya walked in. Mia smiled to her "what do you mean?" draco asked and mia smirked "haven't you heard, were all going to be together again im starting Hogwarts too" mia said as draco frowned and maya smiled, Little did mia know just how much Hogwarts would change her life.

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