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Lucius sat in malfoy manor as he attended a meeting with the dark lord. He knew narcissa didn't like this and he knew that he was only trying to keep his children safe but he knew it was hard. He looked as the dark lord asked in and looked to him

"you wanted to see me my lord" Lucius said

"indeed. I have learned that severus and your oldest daughters are to be an item. Now you have let me down in the past and you aren't going to do it again. You are the bring me your daughter" the dark lord said as Lucius looked to him and frowned. He was worried as he knew that Mia could be in danger

"and may i ask what you want with her" Lucius asked as he looked to him and smirked

"you don't need to worry over that" the dark lord said. Lucius looked to him and nodded. He knew that Mia was going to end up in danger and he couldn't bring her home as he knew exactly what the dark lord was planning on he was going to let Mia get hurt.

But little did Lucius know how his wife was listening in and plotting on keeping her daughter safe 
Narcissa arrived at hogwarts as she saw Mia and Maya as they stood in the hallway

"mother?" Maya said shocked to see narcissa there. Narcissa looked to them and smiled

"hello darling we will catch up later I need to talk to your sister right now. Come with me Mia" narcissa said as Mia and Maya held a look as Mia followed her father as she ended up in snapes chambers where Mia had been spending her free time

"your scaring me. What is going on" Mia asked as narcissa looked to her and sighed

"it's the dark lord. He knows. He knows over you and severus. He has ordered your father to bring you to him and we have to move you. We have to hide you before it's too late" narcissa said as she started to pack Mia stuff up

"what are you saying" Mia asked as she placed a hand on her small barely visible bump

"I am saying that the dark lord is going to kill you unless you do something about it. Which is why I am taking you someone save where he can't get to you" narcissa said as Mia looked to her and sighed knowing it was the right thing to do

Mia frowned as she got to a safe house and looked to narcissa "I have to stay here alone knowing the dark lord wants to kill me. You know how impossible that is right. I'm terrified" Mia said as narcissa smiled

"it's only for a little bit the dark lord has death eaters in that school. Only me and severus know where you are. It's going to be okay I promise" narcissa said as Mia looked to her and sighed doubting that very much but could she remain hidden from the dark lord?

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