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Mia walked into the kitchen at the small cottage that she was staying at as she looked to Severus as he out his robe on and sighed as she looked to him

"your leaving" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I have to. I'm sorry, you know how it is Mia, I can't stay away to long the dark lord will be suspicious and it's the last thing that we need" he said as she looked to him and nodded

"I know I just don't want you to go that's all" she said as she rested a hand on her bump and sighed, Severus walked over to her and kissed her forehead and smiled

"you know I am dining all Ivan to keep you safe that means I have to stay away but I will come keep checking on you. You know that right" Mia said as she nodded

"I just hate sitting around here all day. I can't even finish school it's my final year, we are in the middle of a war and here I am" Mia said as Severus smiled.

"I know, you will finish school it will just be longer than you planned and it won't be forever staying here I promise" Severus said as Mia looked to him and smiled hoping he wad right

Severus walked back into his office and frowned as he saw Maya and looked to her and frowned.

"Maya how May I help you" he asked as Maya looked to him and rolled her eyes

"well you can cut the crap for one, how is she" Maya asked as he looked to her and frowned


"mcgonagall. My sister, who do you think. I can visit her and only you and my mother can and you only visit her as you got her knocked up and for a booty call" Maya said as Severus looked to her and frowned

"how dare you speak to me like that" he said as Maya looked to him and rolled her eyes.

"I will speak to you anyway I want, my sister is the most important person to me and I am telling you now. A lot has happened and she is going through hell so you better not let her down or I will make you pay and I mean it" Maya said as Severus looked to her and frowned

"I love Mia"

"then get the dark lord to step down so that she can come home. I don't know where she is and I'm not allowed but she's pregnant and can't be alone" Maya said as Severus looked to her and sighed knowing she was right

Mia sat in the cottage and looked to see as narcissa walked in as Mia looked to her and smiled

"are you okay love" narcissa asked as Mia sighed

"no I'm not. I hate this mum. I hate all of this and I can't do this anymore I just want to try and move on and I can't. I hate being here and I am scared I am going to be trapped in here and alien when I have her" Mia said as she rested a hand on her bump as narcissa looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know that your scared but I promise you that things are going to be okay" she said as she looked to Mia and smiled. Knowing she'd do anything for her family

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