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Narcissa looked at Mia. "So, want to tell me what is going on?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I thought I was pregnant. But I'm not," she lied. She knew Narcissa would go mad.

Narcissa sighed. "How do you think I felt when I got the letter from your fourteen year old sister saying you were pregnant?"

Mia nodded. "I know and I'm sorry. I'll be more careful."


Mia went to find Maya. She was annoyed at her sister. She eventually found her in the library. She was crying. "Why would you tell mother about me? Like why?" She asked.

Maya looked at her sister with the tears pouring down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to go through anything on your own. I'm sorry."

Mia groaned. She knew it was hard to stay mad at Maya. She sat down and took her hand. "It was my choice to tell her when I'm ready. I've told her that for now, I'm not pregnant."

Maya nodded and wiped away her tears. "Draco Hates me."

"Wait why?"


Mia needed an answer from Draco. She went to find him. He was with Blaise. She walked over to him. "Why do you hate Maya?" She asked.

"None of your business," Draco spat as he walked off. He turned to Mia. "Get lost."

Mia scoffed. "No. I want to know why you hate our little sister. What has she done that's so wrong?"

Draco turned to her and dragged her into a classroom. "She's been sleeping with Potter! She's underage. I've told her that I can't allow that."


Mia stormed around the school. She was looking for Maya. She found Harry instead. "How dare you! How dare you take advantage of my little sister?!"

Harry frowned. "What?"

Mia glared at him. "Maya! I know you've been sleeping with her. She's sweet and she's innocent. How dare you!"

"She never said no. I never put any pressure on her!"


Severus heard Mia. He followed the sound of her voice and sighed. He saw her with Harry Potter pinned against the wall. "Miss Malfoy. Step away from Potter."

"No chance! He's been taking advantage of my baby sister," she hissed.

Severus took hold of her and pulled her away. "Keep calm. Control your emotions. Think of the child."

Mia paled and turned back to him. "How did you know?" She asked.

Severus smirked. "I read your mind. And I overheard you in the library with your sister."


Mia stood in the common room. Draco walked in. Maya was behind him. "Draco. Please talk to me!" She said.

Mia frowned. "What's happened?" She asked. She was having stomach ache and wasn't in the mood to deal with Draco being a jerk.

Draco looked at Mia. "This little whore. She's pregnant with Potty's baby!" He spat.

Mia paled and looked at Maya. "Maya?"

Maya turned and walked out. She hated how she had caused so much trouble between her older brother and sister. Mia went after her. But before she could say anything, a green light was shot from a wand...

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now