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Mia sighed as she sat on her bed. Narcissa sat on the edge of her bed and looked to her as she pulled the pillow to her chest "Mayas overreacting, im fine mother" Mia said as Narcissa looked to her oldest daughter and smiled. She placed a hand on top of mias and smiled "your sister isn't overreacting, she's concerned about you and you know it. I am, I know something is going on and im not leaving until you tell me" Narcissa said as a tear rolled down mias face. Mia was trying to stay strong, but she knew that she wasn't strong, she knew that the whole thing with Snape had messed with her head. She felt like an idiot, for getting involved with him. For sleeping with him and she felt like a complete idiot for letting it get to her "mia?" narcissa said as mia started to cry "what's wrong with me? why am I such a mess, I mess everything up" Mia said as Narcissa pulled Mia into a hug where she cried. She was worried about her daughter and she vowed that she would find out who and what had upset her. Narcissa wiped away mas tears and smiled to her "i think you need some time away from school, your father and I have talked about it and we agreed if you need to return home than its okay" Narcissa said as Mia smiled "thanks mum" she said. She knew she couldn't tell anyone what happened and it killed her.


Mia walked down towards the dungeons. She knew that she was avoiding Snape since she had slept with him. Mia walked down to his chambers and sighed. She ran a hand through her hair as she knocked on the door. He opened it and mia frowned as she spotted Maya who was sitting on his bed looking flustered. Mia looked to his that his pants were undone. She felt her blood boil, she knew that he had slept with Maya. "you are a manipulative bastard, is one Malfoy not enough for you, you have to have my sister, she's fourteen for god sake, she sick freak" Mia yelled as Maya looked to mia "you and him?" she asked "like you care" mia said as she stormed off. She was mad, she knew that she shouldn't of took it out on Maya, she wasn't made with her. She was mad with him. Mia stood near the great hall and ran her hands through her hair and sighed to herself.


Mia walked out of her dorm and out of the common room and along the dungeons where she spotted Maya and harry snogging. Mia rolled her eyes at them and cleared her throat causing them to jump apart "can I have a word?" mia asked as harry nodded and walked off "you wan to hope he doesn't find out about who you were bed sharing with earlier" mia said as Maya sighed "are you mad at me?" Maya asked "only mad at how stupid you and I were for sleeping with him" "is that why you have been off?" Maya asked as mia nodded "sorry i  called mum i was worried about you. But you know that you could of told me what happened between you and Snape, right?" Maya asked "i felt humiliated, I didn't know what was happening. My brain just shut off and it happened, I know it shouldn't of but it did, but you know mum and dad can never know, her father will kill me, kill both of us" Mia said as  Maya nodded. She knew mia was right, she knew her fathers temper and anger.


Mia stood walked through the dungeons as she was grabbed and pushed against a wall. She let out a wince of pain as her back hit the wall. She looked to see Snape "get your hands off of me, you pig" mia said as he grabbed her and pulled her towards his private chambers "lie hell am I going anywhere near you again" mia said "shut it, you insulant girl. I need to know what your going to say to your parents" he asked "nothing, and only for Mayas sake, you were a mistake the we both made" mia said as he smirked to her "sure" Mia crossed her arms over her chest and took a step towards him "answer me this, why would I want to go anywhere near you when I could have anyone I wanted" mia said as he smirked slightly "you may be able to have anyone you want, but its me you want" he said "do I?" she asked as he grabbed her and kissed her. Mia melted into the kiss and kissed him back as he pushed her onto the bed. Mia couldn't help but think would this be her second mistake?

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