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Mia stood in the courtyard as she looked to narcissa. She watched as Draco went to walk off and went to grab his arm and pulled her twin close. None of the Malfoys siblings moved. All eyes were on them as mia grabbed Maya and pulled her close

She was looking over at Harry's body as it suddenly moved and shot a spell at the dark lord. The whole crowd started to part face. She looked as Maya ran off after harry

"Draco" Mia said as she ran over to her brother as he looked fi her and smiled

"You should go back to the manor, be with mother and father. Be with your daughter. She needs you" he said as she smiled

"It's okay. I can deal with it. I can't sit there and do nothing just stay safe, I need to find someone and I need my twin to stay alive" she said as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he looked to her

"I'll be okay i promise" Draco said as mia smiled. She watched as he ran off and glanced around. She knew that Severus was around and hiding but she was worried

Mia knew how she couldn't loose anyone else. This war was getting too much and Mia just wanted everything to be okay

Mia glanced through the grounds and saw Maya who was battling against a death eater and frowned as she grabbed her wand and watched as the death eater went flying as she ran over to her sister

"Keep your head low. Find Harry and then get out of here. I can't loose you too, please" Mia said as Maya looked to her and nodded

"You too, your baby needs her mother" Maya said as mia hugged her and smiled as she ran off

Mia walked into the great hall. She looked to see molly Weasley and bellatrix who were battling. She looked to see bellatrix struggle and then she was gone. Mia smiled to herself

She knew bellatrix was her aunt but she had tried to kill her "dear are you okay" molly asked as Mia smiled

"I'm okay. I'm so sorry I heard over Fred" Mia said as molly pulled her into a hug and smiled

"It's okay. It will be okay. He died laughing what he did best" molly said as mia smiled.

Mia looked to see Harry as he walked onto the hall. He looked as Maya walked over to him and hugged him

Mia knew that the war was over and for that she was glad. She felt that for the first time in a long time they she could finally breathe

Mia walked out of the great hall and saw Severus. She ran over to him and hugged him and smiled as he held her close

"I'm so glad your okay I felt like I lost you again" she said as he smiled

"I had something to do. The dark lord is gone and it's all going to be okay" he said as mia looked to him and smiled

"I hope so" Mia said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"It will be. Which is why I have been thinking we're going to see our daughter and raise her then we should make it official" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"What do you mean" she asked as he smiled as he got down on one knee

"Mia malfoy. Will you marry me" he asked as she looked to him in shock

"Yes" she said as he pulled her Close and kissed her

"Let's go and see our daughter" he said as mia smiled

She was finally happy the war was over. She still had all those she loved and she was going to marry Severus snape

The end...

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