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Mia smiled as she looked down to luena as she lay in her arms. She looked like Severus. She had his eyes. Mia couldn't stop thinking over him. The man that she was in love with.

He was her professor and he was dead. She didn't think that she'd fall in love with him and he was dead.

Mia looked to maya as she sat across the room. Mia hadn't took her eyes off of luena since maya told her Severus was dead

"What happened" Mia asked as maya looked to her

"Father delivered him to the dark lord. I was there I was with Harry. He was attacked and killed by nagini. I'm so sorry mia" maya said as mia smiled

"He never got to meet her. I just can't believe he is gone" Mia said as she wiped the tears from her eyes as maya walked over and sat next to her where she sat on the floor from giving birth

Maya wrapped an arm around her and held her close and smiled

"It's going to be okay, I'm here and you have luena. I know it's hard and that he is gone but ypu have a part of him and there's something I want you to know. I'm pregnant" maya said as mia smiled

"Harry? Is he..."

"I haven't told him. He could die too I just want you to know that you are not alone" maya said as mia looked to her and smiled

"It's all going to be okay" mia said

Mia walked into of the office and looked to narcissa and frowned.

"Is it safe?" She asked as narcissa smiled

"It is the dark lord has summoned everyone to the forest the order is in the great hall. We need to get you and luena out of you. Before either side sees you" narcissa said as mia smiled

"I never took a side I was to bust being pregnant. But I want to see Severus" Mia said as narcissa looked to her daughter and frowned.

She was worried and she knew the risk of it all and it scared her

"I don't know Mia" narcissa said as mia sighed

"She had to see her father even if he is dead and I have to say goodbye" mia said as narcissa looked to her daughter and nodded

"I'll come with you and I'll keep look out. I'm not letting you go alone" Narcissa said as mia nodded

Mia walked into the boat house and looked to Severus body. She cradled luena to her chest and smiled as she kissed Severus forehead and smiled

"I'm sorry. Im sorry they this happened to you. You didn't even get to met her luena. I know that this isn't what we planned but I want you to know I'll never stop loving you" mia said as she looked to him and smiled as she stood up

She walked off and wiped the tears from her eyes. She knew that Severus was gone

Narcissa walked in and smiled as she looked to Mia "ready?" She asked as Mia nodded. Mia stood up and walked off.

The battle was over and dark lord was dead but so was Severus and nothing was going to be the same again

The student and the potion master (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now