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Mia sighed as she stood out of the carriage, she looked to maya and smiled "as if we have to go with a unch of first years just to get sorted, its humiliating, its embarrassing" maya said ad mia smirked "your telling me" mia said as maya said "come on" maya said as mia stood and sighed as she looked towards the castle in the distance, she knew that it was the place in where her parents met, the place that draco talked so foundly of "Mia?" draco said as mia smiled to him "are you okay?" he asked and mia nodded "youll be fine, as long as you stick with me" draco siad and mia rolled her eyes "what, and pansy, no thanks id rather drink polyjuice potion" mia said as she walked off and got into the carriage with maya who smiled to her. "you okay?" maya asked "what if im not dut out for hogwarts" mia asked and maya smiled "you will be fine" maya said and mia smiled to herself, she couldnt help but feel anxious. Mia and maya got to the grat hall, they stood at the back and sighed as the first years were called. They would be the last to be sorted and mia was growing inpatient. Maya looked to mia and rolled her ees "you know what mum would say" maya said and mia nodded "a malfoy has to learn to be patient" mia said.


Mia and maya were both sorted into slytherin, much to their relief, mia was anxious that she wouldnt be and that her parents would disown her. Mia sat next to draco as she ate the piece of punkin pie in front of her, she felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up to see a man with dark hair and black robes looking to her. Mia frowend as she looked to him, she felt uneasy about him looking to her, she didnt know how she felt but she didnt know if she like or disliked it "draco, whos that?" mia asked as she looked to him "dont you recoginse him mia, is professor snape head of house, father has him around all fo the time" draco siad and mia looked to him "ive been away for five years draco" mia said as a girl with a pug face looked ot her "how dare you talk to my drakey, you cant talk to him" she said and mia raised an eye brow at her "who are you?" mia asked "pugface" maya faked coughed and mia smirked knoeing who you are. "let me put it to you this way he is my brother, my twin we shared a womb so if i want to talk i will, got it?" mia siad as she stood up and walked off.


Mia was walking ot the commno room when she bumped into someone "watch it" she snapped as she looked up to see professor snape from before "excuse me?" he said and mia rolled her eyes "i said watch it, are you deaf as well as stupid" mia said as snape glared to her "i am your head of house, you should treat me with respect" he siad nad mia rolled her eyes "i dont care if your merlin himself, you should learn to watch where your going" mia siad "who are you" he aksed and mia smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest "mia, mia malfoy" mia said as the colour drained from snapes face as he realised just who she was, and that she was trouble. 

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