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Mia stod in her dorm, unpacking as mayawalked in and stood in the doorway "how do you get special treatment?" maya asked and mia frowned as she looked to maya "come again" "you get a dorm to yourself while i have to share with stuck up forth years" maya said and mia smirked "you are a stuck up forth year" mia said "screw you" maya said as mia looked tp her and smirked "isnt it simple maya, our parents are trying to bribe me into being good" mia said and maya rolled her eyes "not bloody likely" "what are you trying to say?" mia asked as maya smirled "i ehard you already had a run in with our head of year" maya said and mia smirked "maybe, he asked for it, hes a greasy arse who should of watched where he was going" mia said as maya rolled her eyes "you really do have our fathers temper dont you" maya said "apparenty so, mum says that i do, at least i have her looks" mia said causing maya to laugh "mums worried about draco, she thinks that the dark lord is trying to get him to join, im scared" mayasaid as mia walked voer to her "come here" mia said as she walked over to maya and hugged her close "he is...hes trying to get us all tto join, but you dont need to worry about it for another year, us....draco and i could be marked by christmas at this rate" mia said and maya looked th er sister seeing how scared and vulnerable, how unmaya like she was "are you okay??" maya asked and mia nodded.


Mia headed into the hall the following morning. She got drssed into her robes ad di her mae up. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder before she sat next to draco who sat opposite maya "wheres yor girlfriend toda, drakey poo?" mia asked causing maya to choke on the breakfast she had. Draco narrowed his eyes at her "funny, im not the one that gone on snaoes bad side" draco siad "hes an arse" "he wrote to father" "like im scared of him" mia said as she glanced up to see snaoe talking to the toad looking woman in pink "please dont say we have ehr today?" mia asked "no, but we have snape first lesson" draco said as mia groaned "set a killing curse on me now please" mia said.


Mia sighed to herslef as she sat in potions with draco, the door burst open and snape walked in, his black cloak trailing behind him. Mia rolled his eyes as he sat at the front, he looked to mia and she raised an eyebrow to him. Snape couldnt help but feel annoyed by ehr, she got under his skin like potter, weasley and granger. He didnt know what it was about her, but he knew she was nothing but trouble. "miss malfoy" "slimeball" mia said as snape raised an eye brow to her, he couldnt beleive how she was speaking to him and it was only her first day "do you have any idea who i am?" snape asked " a boring old arse" mia said and snape frowned "ill be contacting your father" mia smirked "he doesnt scare me" mia said as harry, hermione sat whispering in the back. She turned and glared at them "whats our problem" she spat at them and they stopped talking, she scared them frankly "fine, ill contact our mother" snape said smirking as mia face dropped she knew narcissa was the only one that could tell her off.

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