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Full Name: Jane Emily Williams
Reason for name: He ditched it after he came out 
Nickname: Aspect
Reason for nickname: He was reading a book once and he saw the word and it felt right so he kept it.
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Gender: Male (Transmasculine)
Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado
Birthday: June 18th, 1988
Currently living in: Maine
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: Hotel Housekeeper
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Social Status: Working class
Relationship Status: Single
Status: Alive (kind of)

Body Build: Small and scrawny
Height: 5ft 6
Skin colour: Pale
Hair style: Loose curls
Hair colour: Blond
Eye colour: Brown
Distinguishing Features: None
Preferred Clothing: Thrifted clothing, hand-me-downs, anything he can find, lots of muted colours, nothing super baggy 
Accessories: N/A

General health: Not good
Posture: Mediocre
Any physical illnesses?: None
Any mental illnesses?: Social Anxiety, Probably Psychosis
Take drugs?: Opioids, Weed
Smoke?: Yes

Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: Caregiver
Mental age: 20
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Act before thinking
Emotion-wise, generally: Depressed

Way of speaking: Conveys big ideas through simple words
Common conversation starter: N/A
Swears?: Yes, a lot for no particular reason
Made-up words?: None
Made-up language?: None

Likes: Sleeping, Cooking, Getting High, Spending time with friends, Reading
Dislikes: Cats, Parties, Musicals


- picking at his nails and cuticles

- leaving lights on

- never sitting correctly

Strengths: Intelligence, Accepting, Unbothered
Weakness: Oblivious, Struggles to take care of himself, Forgetful


Education: None // High school up to senior year but he never graduated
IQ: 112
EQ: 17/20


- His sex life is a lot more active than people think and he's kind of ashamed to admit that.

- Part of him regrets moving to Maine


Fire, Enclosed Spaces, Spiders, Heights, Being Judged


Stay alive, Start his life over (again)

Views/Opinions on...
Government: FUCK IT
Religion: FUCK IT
Economy: FUCK IT
Technology: FUCK IT but dog videos on youtube can stay

Food: Bread
Colour: Yellow
Animal: Dogs
Number: 1375
Holiday: His birthday
Season: Autumn
Time of day: Afternoon
Thing to watch: Rick and Morty
Movie: Shrek
Show: Rick and Morty
Type of art: Modernism
Genre of music: Everything except country
Genre of literature: Everything except romance
Genre of shows: Adult Cartoon
Genre of movies: Anything except horror


Aspect was born in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado to his mom, dad, and older brother. They went to church every Sunday in their formal clothes and done-up hair and Aspect hated every second of it. he was really, really smart and excelled in school. He hated anything feminine and cut his own hair when he was little after his parents told him they really liked his long hair and wanted to keep it. His parents were never abusive or mean to that extent, but they would be firm and strict. Aspect hated that too. He was always kind of a problem child in their eyes, because they thought they were getting a sweet little girl to complete their Nuclear Family, but they got a little kid who went against everything they said instead. He got bullied incessantly at school and even though his parents talked to the school, nothing ever really got better. He had a small group of friends who understood and accepted him and they were his lifeline for a little while. 

During high school he started getting these horrible waves of anxiety, but his parents told him it wasn't a big deal, so he tried fixing it himself. He started smoking, then smoking weed and eventually by senior year he had become addicted to opioids. His parents were too oblivious to find out, but they realized something was up and they told him he could either stay with them and clean his act up, or leave altogether. Choosing the latter, he packed a single bag and took the first bus out of town without even looking at where he was going. 

He wound up in Maine and roamed the streets for a little while, completely lost. It was around this time that he came out to himself as male and started dressing like a man, ditching his female self back home. He would introduced himself as Aspect and it made him very happy. When he was 18 he met Zero. It was like a miracle. Aspect had gotten high and blacked out in the street and Zero had picked him up coming home from his shift at the bar. He cleaned him up and gave Aspect a place to stay. He turned Aspects life around to the point where Aspect was sober, and was able to start Testosterone and get his top surgery done. He got medication for his anxiety and a job at a hotel and things were really, really good. 

He made some friends, meeting Oscar, Margo, Teddy, and Owen. When Aspect was 23, Zero was driving home late from a shift one night and got into a collision with a drunk driver, dying upon arrival at the hospital. Aspect identified the body and the temporary good period in his life came to an immediate stop. He relapsed soon after. He stopped taking his medications, stopped looking after himself because he couldn't without Zero. His friends tried to help but a lot of it was out of their control. Aspect moved to another neighborhood, into a small apartment that he could afford with his job and habits. A lot of days are hard and he doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life anymore. 


Kind, Quiet, Sarcastic, Kind of sad, Liberal, Sensitive

Family: He doesn't keep in touch with them and he doesn't care about them. 
Love interest: Zero, but zero died.
Friends/Allies: Owen, Sophie, Margo, Oscar and sometimes Alan. He's very grateful for all of them and would give them a million dollars each if he could.
Enemies: None


- Is truly a good guy once you know him. He's caring and kind and hates to talk about his problems with others because he doesn't want to bother anyone

- Brings flowers to Zero's grave

- Aspect is painfully aware of how lucky he is and how he's able to manage his addiction to some extent. He still has a job and an income and friends and his sanity

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