les mis headcanons

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on for each ami and how they might hypothetically have bad parents. doesn't all take place at the same time in the same universe.

enjolras- his dad was a bigot who hurt both him and his mother but she never said anything or spoke up because she thought it wasn't her place to. he left when he was 18 to live well, where ever, as long as it wasn't at home. Going from a rich family to the streets, he was absolutely shocked to see what was essentially hidden from him and it really shaped his character.

combeferre- I feel like both his parents are very much like "damn an A+? you can still do better" or "if you get lower than an A- minus we're grounding you and taking away x, y, z." there was a lot of pressure to be The Best and he got kind of pretentious for a while because of it but it was only a facade to hide how fucking depressed he was every single day.

courfeyrac- 100% had those parents that told him to be quiet and sit still even though he literally couldn't because of maybe like adhd idk but his parents were like stfu you problem child

prouvaire: his parents were not around at all. His mother occasionally, he saw his father maybe once a year, and every year it had something to do with him being "a fag" or "a queer" or "a fairy " So as a consequence, Prouvaire boxed themselves into norms for a long time because they didn't want their dad to find out.

feuilly: his mother was always sick and took advantage of the care feuilly gave her  and his father was a business man so he never stepped in and told her to stop. he exhausted himself looking after her to the point where he didn't sleep for days on end.

bossuet: I mean canonically he's an orphan so he has no parents but you could say he went from foster home to foster home or adoptive parents or whatever but everyone was always bad and nobody genuinely cared for him, which is why he was so hesitant to accept the amis when they first met.

joly: both his parents were really strict and just like,,,,mean. like they're he reason he has hypochondria. like they would be like "careful, of you don't do x then you're gonna die" and then laugh when it visibly freaked him out. They definitely have a flair for publicly humiliating him.

bahorel: his dad got really physical when he got angry and his mom was out of the picture so he kind of had to deal with it as it came. it made him kind of a dick for a while but eventually he learned that he could be a Man and not need to be like,,,,a dick to people and now he is Dad Friend tm.

grantaire: he's the opposite of enjolras so where e's dad was an ass, r's mother was the problematic one. his dad was pretty kind but wasn't really around and when he was his wife would tell him how terrible he was so naturally when he wasn't physically there she would take it out on grantaire instead. it was kind of ingrained in him that he was a terrible person and that he didn't matter which is why he's such a cynic.

the Amis favorite soups

enjolras - French onion soup
combeferre - chicken noodle soup
courfeyrac - potato soup
feuilly - minestrone
bossuet - lentil soup
jehan - butternut squash soup
joly - cucumber soup
bahorel - clam chowder
grantaire - beef bourguignon soup

bonus: marius - camned tomato soup

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