the headcanons from my deleted 1917 account that i just found reblogged again

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Pool Party AU headcannons

- tom floating face down in the swimming pool and Joe freaks out and runs over, panicking and tom lifts his head and goes "woah, chill your tits, I'm sun tanning."

- im still familiarizing myself with the convoy gang so just bear with me here

- Cooke is in charge of making the hotdogs but gets kicked off approximately 10 minutes later by Joe after burning- no- charring, every single one of the hotdogs

- Jondalar and his girlfriend cook this traditional dish and he brings it to share with The Boys

- Will brings a tin of cookies he bought from the grocery store

- he cant bake for shit

- jdjfjfjdi lauri in the shallow end of the pool with the baby in a life vest kind of dipping her in and out, bobbing her up and down

- at one point Rosie the dog jumps in because tom makes a hand gesture that looks like "come" even thought its not

- Rossi falls asleep in the lawn chair

- Joe telling tom to put on sunscreen because he WILL burn like paper if he stays in the light for more that .2 seconds

- " And Tom being Tom doesn't listen and a few hours later he's all red and burned and whining about it " -

- Joe takes the aloe Vera and keeps it in his room on purpose.

- will is the type of guy, where they go on vacation, and toms like wait shit we don't speak this language and they get there and will just starts speaking it fluently out of nowhere

Even more tom blake headcannons

- so i have this ongoing headcannon that Tom Blake has these terrible allergies to all sorts of different things

- this in mind, when he was about 11, his parents decided it might be a good idea for him to get a service dog

- they adopted and trained this goofy golden retriver he named Rosie

- she's able to tell if something isn't right with her cute lil sniffer

- and she also helps tom with other mental health things

- anyways. there's the context for my next point

- i dont think the headcannon that Tom bakes at obscene hours in the morning has been expanded on enough.

- it used to just be that he got hungry at night and went to go make mac and cheese or something? but then it got really chaotic and suddenly he becomes a frequent visitor to the grocery store at 2 in the morning.

- and he has his dog with him, and where she's essentially a service dog they can't tell him he can't have his dog in the store

- And the one cashier who's working there is definitely an underpaid teenager who's more tired than tom will ever be.

- but tom let's them pet the dog while he bags his things so it's not all bad.

- it was really chaotic at first where he didn't know where anything was so it would be like 3 in the morning and this random guy with a golden retriever dog came up and asked something like "Hey where are the gluten free organic beans?"

- and the cashier just stares at him because they definitely just hallicinated that.

- bro schofield has had gluten free spaghetti for breakfast MULTIPLE times now.

- usually cold.

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