prodigal son 2

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I didn't know why I was back there, seeing as it hadn't exactly been entertainying the previous time, yet there I was, following Malcolm back into Dr. Whitly's cell.

"Malcolm! My boy! Good to see you, I see you brought Teddy back for that psychology talk." he said, pointing his cuffed hand at me. 

Luckily, I actually had my shit together today and whatever anxiety had happened last time was much more at bay this time. 

"Yeah? What type of psychology are we gonna talk? Your mental state? I think that would be a very interesting thing to explore. And I'm sure you would enjoy it too, all those narcissistic tendencies." I sneered, not feeling heated fear at saying anything this time. 

"Wow, that was impressive, you really are feisty, I was right on the nose." Whitly nodded. "Why'd you bring him?" he turned, asking Malcolm. 

"Oh, I thought we'd spice up these visits. They're so boring, you know, coming in here alone for an hour at a time."

Martin looked offended at that, but not terribly seriously in the enraged sense he'd had about him last time. 

"I thought you liked doing jigsaw puzzles with me!" he said, a bit sarcastic. 

"Not really. Teddy there's a chair over there if you wanted to sit, we have an entire hour to kill."

"Shouldn't be hard to kill anything, not with you two in the room." I say, staying still. Malcolm starts pacing, glancing around the room. 

Martin gave a smile that came across as warm as I guessed was possible.

"Like father, like son." he said.

"Don't. I'm not like you. We've established this." Malcolm snapped, pointing at his dad.

"Alright, if you say so." Whitly replied in a sing-song voice. 

It was quiet for a minute before The Surgeon broke it once more.

"So, Teddy," he said, directing his focus back to me. "I don't think we had a proper introduction. I'm Martin, Malcolm's father. So sorry about my joke by the way, I forget how insensitive things are. And so sorry about flying into a rage like that, I didn't intend to." he chuckled, brushing it off like he'd accidentally bumped into someone, and not triggered an anxiety attack.

"Yeah, but you still did it," I argue. "Apology accepted though, I guess."

"Great! That's wonderful. Glad we get a clean slate. So, tell me, how did you meet Malcolm?"

I glance over to him, wondering if I should answer. Malcolm shrugs. 

"The...police precinct. I work in the Forensics Department." I say tentatively. 

"But you're close enough to come visit me together."

"The first time, I didn't have a choice. My things were in Malcolm's car and-"

"Oh your things were in Malcolm's car, are you sure it's just a work relationship? I don't know son, this kid seems like a pretty cool cat and didn't you say the other day something about your interest in m-"

"No- no, dad," Malcolm interrupts him, walking over, annoyed. "I'm not interested in relationship advice,  I don't need it." he said, exasperated.

"I have a boyfriend." I say flatly, frowning at the man's clear objective of outing his son to a stranger. Not that it mattered, Malcolm let people know from time to time, but the fact that his dad was still about to let it slip to someone, for all he knew, wasn't aware of it, showed a lot.

"Ah," Dr. Whitly said, eyebrows raised.

"I'm going to hope that's okay with you," I said sarcastically. "I wouldn't want to be queer if it wasn't alright with you." 

"Oh no no no kiddo, don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it. A-okay with me." he reassured. 

Oddly enough, it put me at ease a little. 

"You should take a break from binding though." Whitly added after a moment of silence and the statement hit me like a loaded freight train.

"What the fuck?" I looked at him incredulously. Malcolm looked over at me frowning, laughing a bit.

"What does he mean, binding?" he asked. I was still staring at The Surgeon with a clenched jaw, angry to no ends. This dude just wasn't redeemable was he?

"He means," Martin pitched in for himself. 

"No, please," I started, rubbing my face.

"He means that Teddy should take a break from binding his chest, because he's hunched over like a shrimp and those poor ribs are going to be bruised pretty soon if he doesn't go easy. Take my word for it, I'm a doctor." he said forebodingly. 

"Teddy don't listen to him, he's egging you on, this is what he wants." Malcolm came over, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I said, irritable. 

"Teddy's-" Whitly taunted

"Please don't!" I exclaimed. I wouldn't let this bastard out me.

"Trans. Teddy's trans, Malcolm."

"No!" I near yelled at him, tears springing into my eyes. That was for me to tell people, and he'd taken it from me. 

"We're gonna go now." Malcolm said, his voice cold. Part of me worried that he was mad at me now. Perhaps he would tell Gil, and then Gil would tell Edrisa, and then I'd lose my job, etc, etc. I sobbed and left the cell, angry.

"Well it was lovely see you both! Swing by sometime again ok?" Whitly called after us as we left. Malcolm pulled me aside after we'd left the hall, someplace his dad definitely couldn't see us anymore. 

"Hey are you okay? What was all that about?" Malcolm asked gently, pulling out a clean handkerchief and wiping my eyes.

"I'm sorry- I meant to tell you, please don't tell anyone else- I don't want to risk losing my job." I hiccupped.

"What do you mean? Teddy I don't understand what's going on? Is this about your boyfriend? I've met him before, he's a perfectly nice guy, and I don't care that you're gay."

"No, I mean-" I sighed, frustrated. "I'm not...a guy okay." I started, thinking that's probably what he wanted to hear.  "I'm trans, and-"

"You weren't born male," Malcolm finished for me, realizing the situation. "Teddy, that- you're still a man, and you've always been a man. A real man." he reassured me. More bitter tears slid down my cheeks, and Malcolm held my shoulders.

"You're a real man, and I'm so sorry you didn't get to tell me yourself. You should have, and my father had no right to say those things. He wanted you to react that way." he frowned.

"Malcolm-" I started saying, more sobs racking through my chest. He pulled me close, one hand cradling my head. 

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone, you can tell them yourself on your own time, and if you need help, I'll be there to support you every step of the way. I promise." he reassured me. I nodded into his suit, stepping back a second later.



"Alright. What do you say we go get something nice, bring it back to the office for everyone?" Malcolm suggested, starting to walk out of the facility. I laughed through my tears a little.

"Apple crumble or doughnuts?" I asked.

"Let's figure it out on the way!"

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