To Trust Or Not To Trust

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"Salomea, I don't think this is the best idea

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"Salomea, I don't think this is the best idea..." Robert said, following his sister to the castle. "Why? Bringing them back is what all of us want. Besides, Dimash and Mika are bringing some of them back, already." She said with raised eyebrows. Robert was a sceptic. He grimaced trying to think of how to escape from her and her ideas. "I guess you weren't going to tell me that my nephew is alive?" He asked with narrowed eyes. "Rob, he was in danger and so were all of you. Trust me, it is difficult enough to keep it a secret from Lily," she spoke with guilt in her voice. Robert scoffed. "Not only you forgot that Lily and we do not want you anywhere near her, but you still told me." She turned around and looked at him "Because it was my only way to get you here! And I know you understand" she walked further. Robert felt so wrong. Keeping secrets from his family? Not a problem, but from his brother and the younger triplets? Impossible. "Then why do you need me? If you got them to help you, why make me teleport all the way here? Couldn't you just bother someone else?" He spat. He loved his sister dearly, but this wasn't the best time to ask him for help. Lily needed help more.
She just sighed sadly, looking at the man "I know, I messed up but this isn't like the last time. I had to make sure that you are safe. I had to do it..." Robert raised his voice "YOU HAD TO?! Do you hear yourself, woman?! You made Mathilde nearly kill herself! You betrayed her!" He shouted. Salomea stayed silent. Looking down, she bit her lip to try and control her tears. She knew that she was the reason for the young girl to try ending her life multiple times. Even if Mathilde seemed to have forgotten it, Salomea didn't and she will carry this guilt till the end of her time. "You know that I wouldn't have done it if I had a choice." She whispered and walked away. Now he was silent. He should have known that their family was bound to have secrets in order for everyone to be safe. "Robert," The girl spoke up softly. The man looked up at her, only to see her back facing him. "Just so you know, I beat myself up for my mistakes already. You don't have to remind me that I'm to blame." She started to walk again and Robert stood there for a moment, rubbing his temples.

After this argument, they both were silent. One was thinking of how to apologise, the other thinking about how to fix her mistakes.
But it didn't matter, for they had something more important than problems from the past.
They made it to the ballroom. Robert stopped in his tracks, seeing six people, his Dœmons and Rami's Dœmon. When they heard the pair walk in, everyone turned around and looked at them. Mikaelsons with curiosity and wariness and the Dœmons with respect and happiness.
Aslan was the first to speak. "My King, it is good to see you. A long time has passed since we've seen each other last." the lion spoke. Robert nodded his head shortly. "I'm happy to see you as well, Aslan, Mufasa, Baloo. Do you have any information on the whereabouts of my sister's Dœmons?" He asked formally. He felt irritated not because of the Mikaelsons but because the time was short and Mathilde needed her soul animals now. Mufasa shook his head. "We've looked everywhere. We've sent many to look but they are nowhere to be found." Robert nodded again as his eyes travelled to the Mikaelson siblings. "Excuse me for my manners. I usually greet new faces before talking business, but the times are far more dangerous than I expected. Forgive me." He said smiling softly at them, to show that he was no threat. He knew exactly who they were and he was very happy to finally meet them. "There is no problem, we understand" Elijah spoke returning the smile. "I am King Robert The Lionheart. Son of Freddie Mercury and Lucy DelaCroix. The first of the triplets. At your service" He bowed his head. Salomea rolled her eyes at his formal introduction. "Leave the formalities for times when it will be required, Rob," She said, although she smiled, enjoying this part of him that he had to leave behind. That they all had to leave behind. "Forgive me. An old habit. Just call me Robert" He smiled apologetically at the siblings who only smiled sympathetically. "It's alright. We are honoured to meet you. I presume you know who we are?" Finn asked. Although a long time ago, he was seen by his siblings as a bore and a distrustful person, that changed when they all discovered they shared a mate. The hate for one another changed into love and care, even if sometimes it was hard. It was as if the bond was cleaning their souls and hearts. "Yes, I do. Well, we do. But it is an honour to meet you in person, brothers, sisters" He said with a smile, making the immortals feel reassurance and hope. They had a hard past. There was no love or care. Just hate and pure terror every day and night. Robert walked to them and hugged each of the siblings. He cared for them as they were the Godly family's soul siblings/ children/ mates.
They all immediately responded to the hug and Freya with Rebekah let out a few tears. So alone for so long but it was worth it. Now they will have everything they've never had. A Family, Love, Peace and so much more.
After embracing them, Robert turned to Salomea. "If this is why you brought me here, then thank you, sister." he hugged her. "That was one of the things." Robert groaned. "Rob, listen to me. Mathilde needs her mates, now more than ever. Like I said before, Dimash and Mika are already bringing everyone back, but they don't have as much power as the six of you." She explained. "You mean three of us? You forgot Two are dead and one is punished?" Robert rose his brows at her and Salomea sighed. "One of them brought us to life, then?" Freya asked and Salomea nodded. "Mika did. I made sure that you were safe here until Robert and I came to ask you for help as well," she said. "How come, he wouldn't tell us who he was, but you know exactly who this man is?" Nik asked. It was curiosity and slight irritation. He has the right to know who was the man that brought him and his siblings to life. "Unfortunately, he asked me to stay silent. He will reveal himself at a right time." She said. It wasn't a satisfying answer, but it was one.
"So, Salomea, what do you want from me?" Robert raised his brow and crossed his arms as his lips formed a tight line. "Bring back Mathilde's mates." She looked at him. The man looked at her, before exploding with laughter. Salomea had a very serious face, while the Mikaelsons were a bit confused, to say the least. "Oh, Gods! I think it was the funniest joke you've ever said. Uff..." He calmed himself. When he saw that she was serious, his gaze immediately became dark and dangerous. "I will not do this," He said sitting down on the sofa. "It wasn't a question, Robert." She told him with no joke in her voice. "Really? Now, if I remember correctly, I am the King, not you." the siblings were smirking, liking Mercury's attitude. "We aren't in Disandia nor we aren't living in the times of Kings for you to behave as one, Robert! Now, do it!" She raised her voice. Aslan with Mufasa sat down, near Rob as Baloo stood on his feet and leaned against the window sill. "You can't make me" He sassed her and threw his legs on the coffee table.

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