Soul Marks, Character Information

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Name: Aliara - Altaïra - Bellianna Ibn'lAhad Mercury DelaCroix

Age: Older than the Galaxy

Eyes: Supposedly natural heterochromia Green/blue eyes

Hair: Long light brown wavy hair, dark blonde hair

Body build/skin tone:
Slim and pale, 1,55m in height, Natural pink lips

Powers: Many Powers, yet nobody knows truly the extent of it

Character: She is usually very quiet, speaks only with her close (now adopted) family and friends, is very curious, very brave and helpful, wants to change the world for a better place, she can kill you with her kindness, kind of innocent (she doesn't remember her past life), protective of those she loves, she is just, not afraid to be herself, can be crazy, very caring and incredibly intelligent

Scars/Beauty marks: She has a small beauty mark next to her right breast and three little ones on h the left side of her neck; She has many scars from battles as well as the ones she made herself

History: After killing Thanos by sacrificing herself, her body glowed and transformed into gold Ashes that were guided by the wind. Two days after the End of Thanos, she was found by the police in Scotland, unconscious, half-naked and bruised. She ended up in a hospital, and when she woke up, she lost her memories of her past life. One of the nurses - Shea McLoughlin, adopted her with her husband - Charles McLoughlin and named her Anya even though everyone knew who she was. Because of how young the girl looked, she started school in Scotland being a 17-year-old student. The family bought an apartment in New York, where Aliara will start her career and potentially meet her mates again.
For now, Aliara's state is critical. The Memory loss caused nightmares and night terrors as well as scars caused by scratching herself while sleeping. The body is weak as the mental state is probably not going to get better due to many hateful comments, mental and physical abuse from students and sometimes teachers, self-isolation and a closed heart...

Family: Freddie Mercury-Biological Father (Deceased)

Paul DelaCroix-Biological StepFather (Alive)

Lucy Montrose DelaCroix-Biological Mother (Alive)

Gregory House-Maternal Uncle (Alive)

May Parker-Parental Aunt (Alive)

Wade Wilson-Maternal Uncle (Alive)

Galadriel Greenleaf - Maternal Grandmother

Thranduil Greenleaf - Maternal Grandfather

Ayşe Hafsa Ibn'lAhad DelaCroix - Parental Grandmother

Lord Henry Dumbledore DelaCroix - Parental Grandfather

Lily Potter - Maternal Aunt

James Potter - Fraternal Uncle

Remus Lupin - Maternal Uncle

Serious Black - Fraternal Uncle

Severus Snape - Maternal Uncle

Kratos - Maternal Uncle

Marmee - Maternal Aunt

Albus Dumbledore - Fraternal twin Uncle

Jacqueline- Fraternal Aunt

Gustav - Maternal Uncle

Freya - Fraternal Aunt

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