Meeting Like In The Past

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It's been three days and the Avengers are back at the Tower

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It's been three days and the Avengers are back at the Tower. Their kids smiled as they saw them back with the addition of Robert, Rami, John, Mary, Sherlock and Jim as they wanted to see the little ones as well as they could help the team look for their lost mate. Bucky smiled as he saw himself in the mirror. He felt like something big will happen to them soon, they all felt like it. Bucky cut his hair to look like the soldier that he was before as he smiled again upon seeing the mark on the hand that he once lost and now he had it back thanks to Mathilde. He softly caressed the mark with love and adoration and he sensed her response through the mark. She might have forgotten about them but she still cared so much for them.
"Look at you! All cleaned up" Steve commented, seeing his best friend walking into the living room. The former soldier assassin smiled and shook his head. "You have this feeling, right? I'm not tripping balls?" He asked looking at his teammates and sensing their excitement as well as slight worry. "Glad to know that we feel the same, buddy" Tony said sipping on his coffee and looking at him with a small smile. "Well, how about we go out today? You know to a bar, have a seat, drink something?" Nat suggested making all of them nod. Little Quinn cried happily in Wanda's hands making the team chuckle. "Something will happen! Something good!" Leander exclaimed with a big smile, sipping the white vanilla tea that he and his mother loved so much. The team looked suspicious at the kids and Loki's eyes winded. "You didn't tell us something, little ones? What was it about?" He asked softly making Helena and Hugo look at each other before looking at Leander. Lisa was still asleep as she played with Pietro all night, due to her burst of energy that no one but Pietro could handle. "We knew mommy never left...." They looked subtly at Tilda, who smiled softly at the children "We felt it... We didn't tell you because we saw how much it hurt you to talk about it and we didn't want you to lie to us or say that you don't believe us... We're sorry..." Leander responded making everyone look at the three kids with wide eyes. Tony choked on his coffee and the rest was shocked. Steve, that sat beside Leander, hugged him tightly and Bruce with Thor Hugged the twins. "We would never say that we don't believe you... We are your parents and we want to know if you are alright. We want to protect you and we want to make sure you have everything you need" Stephen said looking at the three with a soft smile. "Also... How could you know?" Scott asked looking confused. Then it hit them all... Of course! The bonds with the family! A child will always know if their mother or father was alive or not... The bond will make sure of that. Also, the fact that the kids are demigods and have an incredible amount of power in them makes them sense more and know more. They don't need school, they learn at home with Mathilde and the parents, when they weren't on a mission. "OK! Never mind that question... I've got a better one. Because you know that your mum is alive so you know that we need to help her. Not only that but also there are some dangerous people that started to appear again. How about you stay in Asgard with the Alfather, while we make sure, your mother is back and safe. Once the Earth will be safe as well as your mother, we will come and get you. Don't tell Lisa and Aramea about mum yet, ok? We want to make this a surprise" Loki said, looking at the redhead Mercury with a suspicious glint and making the kids smile widely and nod rapidly. "Great, go and pack. Say goodbye to everyone and I'll take you there" Thor said and the kids raced to the rooms, making everyone smile at how sweet they were.
"Well then...let's go to a bar today... If the feeling is so strong that even the Sweethearts feel it, then it means that something important will happen." Clark said and took the little one from Wanda to hold him for a bit, as the kids with now half awoke Lisa stumbled into the living room. They all ran to their parents, giving them a kiss and a hug and telling them a quick "I love you" before doing the same to their aunts and uncles. "Ready?" The God of thunder asked and the kids nodded. "Heimdall!" He said loudly and disappeared with the kids. Five minutes later he was back.
"Oh, dear... I don't even know how they will act after we have Aliara back... They have so much energy all of a sudden!" He laughed, acting tired. They all smiled. "Tilda?" Peter asked looking at the tired girl. She started to have nightmares, making all the team worried about the redhead. Every night she would scream and end up with the Doctor, sometimes even he couldn't calm her so Rami and Rob ran in, calming her down until they fell back to sleep. "Hmm?" She hummed looking tiredly at the wall. She seemed to space out. The Doctor smiled sadly at her, handing her a strong Irish coffee. With a small smile, she took a sip. "Do you want to go with us to the bar?" Logan finished the question for Peter. The girl looked up tiredly at the team and the Doctors, before looking at her brothers making them worried even more. "Nope... I think today is sleep day, all day, maybe if I get enough sleep, I'll go. By the way, if you go to the bar, who will stay to look out for Quinn?" she said while yawning. The two spider-men and Henry looked at their mother. "Do you want us to take care of Effy and Quinn?" Miles asked and his mother nodded not really hearing the question properly as she started to drift off to sleep on the sofa. Her coffee was long forgotten on the coffee table. The Doctor shook his head and sighed, kissing his mate's head softly. "'s still pretty early to go to a bar, let's work a bit and at five-thirty we meet here and we go there," T'Challa said making the team nod. They separated ways as Bruce and Peter went to the lab. Scott with Logan, Steve, Thor and Clint went to the training room. T'Challa and Clark went to the library to find something about the nightmares that the poor girl had as Loki, Tony, Bucky, Natasha, Stephen and the twins sat in the living room with the Doctor, observing carefully the girl and watching some kind of movie. Sherlock and Jim went out, obviously looking for some poor soul to freak out with their abilities to deduce people as Robert, Rami and the Watsons went out, visiting New York. The young boys went to search for Effie and take care of their little sister and little cousin.

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