Masters From The Past, The Future And The Present

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Somewhere in a distant land of China...

The old man opened his eyes, coming back from his meditation

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The old man opened his eyes, coming back from his meditation.
He looked up and stroked his white beard in thought.
Then, a loud noise of the doors opening was heard, followed by an urgent voice, making the old man look towards the source of the sound. "Master Shifu! Something is wrong with Master Chao Lin!" Two people ran in with worried faces. Shifu's eyes went wide and he stood up quickly, walking out of the temple with both people right behind.
They walked fast down the corridor where the rooms were until they went in one of them.
A sickly-looking man was laying in bed, asleep, as four people surrounded him trying to help as much as they could. "Master Shifu. What is happening to him?" One of them asked. The said man walked towards the bed and put his hand on the sick master's head. "I don't know, Viper. He is burning. When did he fall ill?" He asked the rest. "We don't know. He was fine two hours ago and then when he was training with us, he suddenly fell" The big man said. The normally humorous people were now very serious.
"Does it have something to do with the Mercury Masters?" asked another female. Shifu shook his head. "I don't know, Tigress. I would presume that maybe since he is their brother but nothing can be certain." He said with a hopeless glint in his eye.
Then, the sick man took a sharp breath, waking up. He took Shifu's hand and looked at him. Panting, he said: "You... Have to... Aghh... Wake the Panther... Before it's too late... Aghh... Wake her up... Before it's all over... Agh..." He tightened his grip on Shifu's hand, as he cried in pain before passing out.
Shifu looked up to see the worried faces of the young masters. He sat down, near the bed and started to mix some herbs to kill Chao Lin's fever. "A mission is set for you. You must go up the mountains and find the portal to Earth. You have to find our Master and bring back Master Panther's memory. Show her your animal form and show her what she thought you, Dragon Warrior. Your friends will help you. Once you find them, bring them here." He said calmly.
Once out, the six masters looked at each other. "We need to get to the portal quickly. Once we will get to Earth, Viper and Monkey will search the East, and Mantis and Crane will search the West. Tigress, you'll search the South, and I'll search the North. Let's get going. Let's find our Masters!" Po announced and they started to run as fast as they could to get to the portal and help their beloved masters.
"You know that Earth isn't like China here, right?" Monkey asked his friend "Of course, but from what Master Chao once said, their family is all around the world." Po answered, but his friends still looked at him unsure.
What matters was that they needed to find their Master...

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