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I woke up in enormous pain

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I woke up in enormous pain. My head hurt so much, I thought it will explode. I hissed as I sat up from the floor... How long was I like this? Why?... "The chamber!" I whispered and my eyes winded. I got up ignoring how much it hurt me and I started to look through every drawer and every box of jewellery to find them. "Aliara, are you alright?" Omega asked but I ignored the wolfs as well. Then I found it... My locket...

I looked at them and the headache grew stronger

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I looked at them and the headache grew stronger. "Stop! Stop!" I said loudly, dropping the lockets and falling to my knees holding my head. I felt so many things through my soul marks and the memories started to come back. I heard Alpha yell for my parents but that was it. I heard nothing more... I saw nothing more... I felt nothing more... It was as if time stopped, leaving me the only one capable to move. I saw them... The memories. Each and every one of them... But I didn't see my family... My wives, husbands and children... As if the memories wanted me to meet them in person... Get to know them again... "I am destined to live... And I Don't want to... I don't deserve it. Not after what I've done." I said quietly with a blank stare... I felt someone shaking me softly, but I couldn't hear them. I felt numb... I felt empty... I felt cold...
"They are back... I am so sorry" I said after a moment still staring at nothing. The voices in my room sounded panicked, worried but I couldn't break from this trance. "I have one last thing to do..." I whispered... "I have to make it right." After that, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I lost consciousness...

The Avengers

"You felt it too, right?!" Natasha asked, panicked as she felt so many things and pain through her soul mark. The others nodded quickly and with worry in their eyes. "She remembers her past and she felt the troubles. I'm afraid she still doesn't remember you. I think that you need to meet her." Robert said as the Doctor held Mathilde in his arms and they started to go back to the Na'vi. "Thêta... it hurts...." The little Mercury said quietly and they all looked at her, most with worry and hidden emotions, that shouldn't be there... "I know, My Love, I know..." He said in a broken voice. Rami walked beside them and he looked at Mathilde with worry. He then put his hand on her head and she started to drift off to sleep. "At least she won't be in pain as much now," He said and they continued to exit the chamber. There was one problem... The whole cavern started to shake. They nearly lost their balance as they started to run out. Once they were out, the cave shook some more, before the door locked itself and all the inscriptions disappeared from the wall. The Naʼvi looked terrified as they saw what happened. "No! The Darkness is growing stronger and it made the chamber block itself! This is not good! The last time it did it, was the time that Thanos showed up on Midgard! Quick, we have to go to safety, the weather will start to change!" Jake yelled as the wind started to blow strongly. They all followed the Na'vi to the house that they stayed in the previous night and they looked out the window.
A storm, just like in New York and Ireland after Aliara's "death" started. They heard the animals run away, crying in fear. The wind made some trees fall and the rain hit the windows of the house so hard, everyone thought they will break. "What's happening?!" Nebula yelled through the loud storm that went outside. "The Darkness grows in power and because Aliara remembers and Mathilde is sensitive to the changes in the balance, it made sure that we know about that. Nature is telling us that two important things happened. One is that Aliara remembers, two... We are in for another war...." Rami yelled and the team stared out the window in pure fear... Another war... They won the last one, two years ago... Although they thought they lost someone important, they thought that it was over. That they were now given the peace... Even if it was painful. "Thanos is dead!" Thor beamed looking furious and the team had also angry but terrified faces. The Doctor sat near his soulmate as the boys covered their mother in a blanket and put fire in the chimney. "Yes, he is! But it's the others! I don't know how, but they came back somehow and they want revenge! Not on you..." Robert yelled, looking at the unconscious sister on the sofa. The team's eyes winded at this and the Doctor held Mathilde's hand tightly. They were in danger... "We have to go back to New York and make her remember us before the war starts!" Clark said loudly and the rest nodded.
"Neytiri, do you need any help?" Steve asked the Na'vi woman. "No, stay until morning. The storm is too strong even for you! Besides I feel more in this storm than just those two reasons..." She said making everyone confused.
"What do you mean?" Tony asked and she looked at them. "Someone brought back a man from the dead" She smiled, feeling the good and the connection between the man and the girl. The rest only looked at her. "Are they good?" Clark asked but seeing the blue girl smile, he knew that it was good. "Very good" She responded and the rest smiled softly...

Now all they had to do is wait till morning and go back to New York...
Easy... Right?

Somewhere... Far away...

"Sīmonagon! Sīmonagon! Nykeā tresy bona terane yn sentia keskydoso! Sīmonagon! Sīmonagon! Nykeā lēkia qilōni's sante istan remoneon rūsīr isir!"
(Rise! Rise! A son that betrayed but loves the same! Rise! Rise! A brother whose mind was poisoned with rage!)

A boy chanted in his mother tongue. His hair was a raven colour, his eyes a deep green with a hint of brown. His posture was tall and straight and his jawline was sharp but soft at the same time. His Asian beauty was memorable and so handsome. A gasp was heard and the boy smiled at the sound. "Where am I?" A deep voice asked. The man's voice sounded drunk, although he was far from it considering that he just rose from the dead. "You are safe, brother... Although I can't say the same for our family... Especially our mother" The Asian boy responded, helping the other get up from the ground. "I hurt her... I hurt you!" The now-living man said in a broken voice. "It was not your fault! The poison made you do this!" He reassured him and hugged him tightly. "We need to find the others and start to think about how to win this war without any of us dying... And we need to bring back uncle Louis and Alex." The young boy said looking at the resurrected man. "Does she know that you are alive?" The man asked and his brother shook his head sadly. "No... But she doesn't remember anything now... She lost her memory when she sacrificed herself" the tall boy said and the man nodded sadly. "What year is it?" The man asked, looking at his brother with a raised eyebrow and inspecting his outfit. "2022. We need to do something with your hair and here, take these" The other said and he gave the man some clothes. He looked at his brother hugging him again. "Thank you, for bringing me back, Dimash..." He said softly. The boy smiled but he looked tired. He was powerful but he wasn't his mother or his uncles who could bring back a whole planet to life, rest for a day and do it again... "No problem, Baldur. We Love you" He said and they smiled. "As the oldest brother, I suggest you go to sleep. We will start looking for the others tomorrow. Goodnight, little brother" Baldur said, giving him a side hug and leaving the chamber. Dimash looked amused at his brother, but then again, Baldur learned quickly so he will be fine. The younger man walked out of the room and he heard his TV on, so he knew Baldur was really quick to learn and adjust to new lives. He smiled and went to his room, falling asleep...

The Next Day...

The storm stopped... The two men that reunited the other night were now on a hunt for their other siblings. "All I know is that Jasper is in Forks and Tony with Fred is in Tennessee. The rest are either too young or with the others and we don't want them to find out yet..." Dimash said and Baldur nodded sipping on his coffee. "We can separate and I'll go fetch the Major while you bring the four boys" Baldur proposed making Dimash look at him confused. "Four? Tony and Fred are there and I don't know who are the... Oh... So you don't know?" Dimash asked, realising that Baldur wasn't always alive to know some things, and even if his spirit saw the centuries change, he still didn't know everything. "What? Don't tell me that the two are dead..." Baldur said sadly. "Then I'll say nothing." The younger man said looking away from his brother. Baldur sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Well then... I'll go and bring our brothers and sisters... The Dragons I mean, after we take the three and start training." Baldur said and he put his empty cup in the sink. "Baldur... Or do you now prefer Valentine, knowing as it is your second name and it'll work better here on Midgard?" Dimash asked and the raven-haired man smirked. "Valentine is the name I prefer, so I'll stick with it, kiddo," He said with a sad smile, remembering his poisoned self.
"OK... Time to go, see you soon, Brother" Dimash said, looking at his watch and teleporting to his brothers in America. Baldur chuckled and also teleported to Forks. Time to say hello to everyone...


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The Six Rulers | Book One Of The Six Rulers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now